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what about the rest of the unelected labour party who have been governing us for the last few years, you know who I mean the cronies of our UNELECTED prime minister who have been put in powerful positions in the government without the peoples permission, are they going? If they are not elected then they should not be there, this is supposed to be a democracy, even if some members of the labour party would prefer it not be. bri

Youre bang on there :thumb2 Just watched a Labour politician justifying Browns unelected status to Major.

Bit of a lead balloon really when you remember Major took us to the polls ............and won :lol

Interstingly the last part of your comment reflects what theyre now saying across the channels in the media that if the Lib Lab pact occurs the praetorian old guard of labour will be able to hang on in there forming the coalition of losers :doh:doh:doh I despair
Food for thought !

If a politician found he had cannibals among his constituents, he would promise them missionaries for dinner.
what about the rest of the unelected labour party who have been governing us for the last few years

It doesn't feel right to me either.

There is lots of precedent though. How about Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston (aka Lord Palmerston)? He was a Tory prime minister!!

gordon brown announced his resignation this afternoon according to sky news

He announced that he was going to resign in the future (unless there has been another statement since then that I haven't seen).

In the one that I saw on the Beeb, he said that he intended to remain as Prime Minister (if there was a Lib/Lab pact, I think he meant) until legislation on electoral reform had been introduced and measures put in place to combat the deficit. I also remember him saying that he did not intend to seek re-election as Leader of the Labour Party.

Did the one you saw/heard suggest that he intended (or had) to resign as PM? Has he been to the palace to see the queen?

He announced that he was going to resign in the future (unless there has been another statement since then that I haven't seen).

In the one that I saw on the Beeb, he said that he intended to remain as Prime Minister (if there was a Lib/Lab pact, I think he meant) until legislation on electoral reform had been introduced and measures put in place to combat the deficit. I also remember him saying that he did not intend to seek re-election as Leader of the Labour Party.

Did the one you saw/heard suggest that he intended (or had) to resign as PM? Has he been to the palace to see the queen?


i saw news at 10 and they said he had resigned and was preparing to leave number 10
Well what a bloody shambles.

Clegg finally shows what a two-faced plonker he is and why the Lib Dems should stick to picketing Greenham Common.....but it does everyone else a favour really because they are likely to get even less votes next time round.

Whatever people think, elections in this country are always a two-horse race - I mean who on earth thinks the Lib Dems could ever form a government for gods sake??? They are there so that people can vote for them to send the odd 'message' to the other two to sharpen their act now you've had your laugh people and as a result this country stands on the brink of an economic and social trauma that will make the last couple of years look like a walk in the park. Two parties that don't have a clue, and a public sector waiting on the sidelines to torpedo the austerity measures that MUST be implemented.....

IMHO the Lib Dem/Labour alliance would be the best result for the Tories and the worst result for the country, so bring it on and lets see what happens shall we?

As Edwin Hawkins always used to sing...

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well said paul, and the video is the best part of this thread imo, it's all a load of cobblers, (steptoe) :lol
IMHO the Lib Dem/Labour alliance would be the best result for the Tories and the worst result for the country, so bring it on and lets see what happens shall we?

In the present circumstance, the best result for either the Tories or Labour would be to spend the next parliament in opposition. In my view, the party that comes into power will take the blame for the measures that they have to introduce to sort the economy. If Mervyn King is right, they will be out of power for a generation.

Nick Clegg is, to coin a phrase, between a rock and a hard place. He dug a hole and jumped into it when he hijacked the process for replacing a government on Friday morning by pronouncing himself as king maker. Since then he has alienated the outgoing PM, the Labour party and seems now to have alienated Malcom Rifkind and probably many other Tories (including David Cameron), with his two-faced self-serving strategy for playing both ends against the middle. I think his 15 minutes of fame might just be coming to an end.

I cannot see how Clegg the Arrogant can get out of the hole he has dug without destroying the Lib Dems. They will be condemned by their left of centre supporters (the majority) if they form an alliance with the Tories. They will be condemned by their right of centre supporters, the entire Tory party and the Tory press if they form an alliance with the Labour party (and privately, by many Labour members and MPs too). If they ultimately don't form an alliance with anyone to form a new government and another election is called in the Autumn, everyone will condemn them for causing that and they'll get slaughtered at the ballot box.

My bet is that we will get an announcement and a conclusion to all this nonesense today - but I'm damned if I can guess who will be making it or what it will be. It seems to me that a hung parliament is the worst possible outcome of a general election and that the public must make a better job of making its mind up (one way or the other), the next time we go to the polls.

Well what a bloody shambles.

Clegg finally shows what a two-faced plonker he is and why the Lib Dems should stick to picketing Greenham Common.....but it does everyone else a favour really because they are likely to get even less votes next time round.

IMHO the Lib Dem/Labour alliance would be the best result for the Tories and the worst result for the country, so bring it on and lets see what happens shall we?

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Agree and I'll cough I was one of the suckers who was willing to give Clegg a chance. He has turned out to be a right twat.

If he fannys around in any kind of office as much as he is doing now we'll not get a thing sorted. I think it was on here I posted yesterday he's starting to take the Piss. I suspect clegg mania has had its day. One of the decent papers yesterday ran a good article and they said cleggs heart would say Labour, his head Tory (and explained why very well) which will he follow......hmmm

I agree with you if the alliance they're now talking about is cobbled together, all the losers in one big bucket, probably indirectly the best ever thing for Cameron and crew. They have always said Brown was ruthless, thats fine but to who's advantage :nenau

Sadly in the meantime we'll be getting ****ed over .......again.
i saw news at 10 and they said he had resigned and was preparing to leave number 10

They did :thumb2

and on the BBC a few moments ago they were discussing other parliamentary matters that were dominating the news and the comment was actually made that its not often the resignation of a prime minister takes second place in the news :lol
the monster raving loony party are starting to make sense to me now :lol

or maybe from the Labour perspective:

As Edwin Hawkins always used to sing...

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Going to age myself here, and if your honest you :D

I'm more familiar with the K-Tel singers cover that one ;):augie
Well what strange and fast moving times we live in.

The evening standard is reporting Brown is resign as PM without condition (as yesterday) tonight not even giving the poor dears time to get the new leader selection process rolling and no new parliament formed.

Yes its a press report but it has not been refuted by any source, other news agencies are reporting their sources handing out the same intelligence and its based on the fact Lib /Lab talks have stalled, which is hard info now in the public domain (source: sky, ITV & BBC).

Well well...............lets see if its true, they'll have him in the tower in an instant for daring to breach "constitutional" convention (and opinion that some slavishly follow without question). :naughty :D