Dodgy breakers - Edward Fear - Direct 4x4 Salvage

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2010
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Having failed to get a second hand wing for my bashed Terrano (see my post in another forum) my wife decided that she knew best and would try to find one as I was on a trip to the UK and was rushed for time.

She went online and decided to try a few sites. I did warn her that there were a lot of sharks out there and to be careful. In the first instance there are the high rate calls, let alone anything else.

Anyway, suffice to say she found what she thought was a deal and paid the money.

Said item was supposed arrive by Thursday. We forgot to get a tracking number for it so this morning I got hold of the company and after a day of promises of getting back to us, we were finally given a number late in the afternoon. Except it was a made up number, the couriers said there was no account, they never collected anything etc etc etc.

When I then phoned again, surprisingly the weasel of a boss had 'gone home' for the night. From the looks of his photo, it was probably to get his nappy changed. But I digress.....

I then spent a little bit of time researching this lot properly, which I should have done before, and they are obviously fairly well known in there area and a bunch of small time scammers.

So, a couple of points. (I'm sure I don't need to point this out, but for the benefit of those who haven't been down this path before.....)

Always check people out properly. There is a big market for secondhand parts, and lots of scope for scammers. Beware 'aggregator' or 'search'/'directory' sites that just list more search sites, or put you in contact via a premium rate number. Check, and double check. With the internet it is easy to make yourself look very good.

Don't transfer cash - use another payment method so you can get some leverage to get your money back

So anyway, I shall write them one letter to officially ask for my money back, which I know will not be answered, and then I shall report them to Trading Standards, the Police, and then take them to court. I will also try and get his web sites taken down - ISPs and webhosts often don't like to think they are supporting dodgy companies.

Here are some details on the company and notes on small claims court etc. It might not be much money, but I'm damned if it's staying in his pocket. It's how they get away with it because for most it is too much trouble.

If anyone else has any experience of him then please let me know. Though I may wish to see his car crushed with him inside it, this is obviously not very PC.

It would also give me great pleasure to hack all his websites and make him look a fool. But that would be illegal.

So revenge is a dish best served cold. I have a long memory and a spitefully vindictive nature, and there is more than one way to get even.

So I'm up to help anyone else who would like to metophorically stick a knife in him. If this helps anyone else avoid him, then it will make my day.

B. Rgds

PS. And I still haven't got a bloody wing !!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Edward Fear
Direct 4x4 Salvage Ltd (and possibly other companies)
Unit 10, New Dunn Business Park, Sling, Coleford, Gloucestershire, GL16 8JD
01594 811041

Love social networking, sometimes... cocky little sod, but stupid enough to leave his pictures up and his profile open..............
(probably more - he's quite prolific with his webites)

I believe he has a number of ebay accounts which he probably rotates around. It's easy enough to get yourself a decent rating quite quickly.

A few choice posts:

Small claims

Costs :
great post.

I had a problem with an engine company in Halifax, took them to court got £ 3,000 awarded in compensation. Never got a penny of it though even though we sent in the Baliffs to collect. In the end i gave up.

Bailffs said the owner had nothing of value, lived in a counicl house with peeling wall paper.

The put every thing in one persons name and make nothing of value for him, mean while they live the life of riely in another house.

its a big scam and they know how to play the system.
Google him. I just did, 2009 on a land rover site he was a bad boy, parts ordered and not delivered, supposedly being investigated by trading standards, and police, well he is still trading, so what does this say abut the regulators, well I will tell you, they are totally ineffectual that's what, just like the rulers of this once great country, Rick
the little shit obviously knows the loop holes. as rick says no one does anything. if they can get away with it scot free they will keep doing it....
i dont think posted dog turd is strong enough, perhaps personally posted dog turd- hand him a knife and fork!
Thanks for the kind suggestions ;-) I was wondering about getting my son and a few of his mates to go up there. There all doing Marines training right now ;-) They need to practice kicking the crap out of fellow men......

@solarman that is indeed how I found out. Now I just need to get some revenge. I'm actually looking forward to him refusing to give a refund :)

Will keep you posted
Just tell the tax man hes selling cash in hand via their web site. Then go on benifits site an report him there for being on benifits and working. He probably is!

If hes got a site report him to h&s for issues on his site! Enviroment agency for polluting the site with fuel and oil....

Not that ive done this sort of thing before........
Thanks for the extras suggestions - I will follow those up too.

Well, interestingly enough, he hasn't actually got a website for (which he owns) which means he probably uses the domain just for email. So when I buy and put up a website, it will get to the top of Google PDQ so anyone trying to check out his company will get to my site first............... that'll be my first job on Tuesday :)

I also figured that was free as well, so I might just have a site for that as well :)

That's just for starters......

Yes, we will be complaining to all the normal channels, and I will be posting reviews on his services on as many websites as I can find. I have time on my hands :)

Any way, as a follow up, my wife contacted where she got the original inquiry. They were not happy puppys, have told us THEY will refund us the money as we bought via an inquiry from them, and they will be looking at it themselves as well.

Now whether they do or don't we will at least the cash back, though I hope they are as good as their word. However, as he is a thief and liar and wasted my time, he has to pay more than just the £40 we lost. And he will......

Looking forward to next week already :)
Mmmm. I brought and paid for stuff from a breakers called no fear 4x4 and recieved only half the order and the stuff they sent was rubbish fit for bin. I managed to speak with them allthough had to use different numbers and they wouldnt phone back, promissed to refund and never did. Phoned trading standards and they stated they were aware but i never had the spare time to folow up. From memory i thinkthey were based in bridgend wales.
Thanks for the kind suggestions ;-) I was wondering about getting my son and a few of his mates to go up there. There all doing Marines training right now ;-) They need to practice kicking the crap out of fellow men......

That sounds good :augie can i come :D .......i served 10 years with 45 :naughty i will be able to show the Bootnecks some tips on how to inflicked PAIN :sly
Thanks for all the great comments :)

No Fear is another name they use. However, I believe they were evicted from their previous premises

Chapter 4 ;-)

Don't forget the pictures, or you will have to do it all again :D:D

Funnily enough....

Wife has been on to BreakYard who susoended their account. BY have been pretty helpful, but apparently the first girl spoken too shouldn't have said they would pay us the money. Nonetheless, they have been in correspondence with Fear.

Now, ironically we had a knock on the door today, and 'Lo !' it was City Link with a packge that closely resembled a Terrano wing wrapped in plastic.....

Apparently it was meant to be delivered on Saturday but they were 'too busy' to deliver it...... grrrrrrrrrr... nothing like customer service then.

It wasn't entered onto their system til Friday at about 11pm but the tracking number matched the one that Fear gave at about 5pm - we had tried it at that time and the system said it didn't recognise the number and the rest was history....

Anyway, seeing as the driver was in a frightful rush, I thought I'd make his day and do a full inspection of the goods just to piss him off as much as anything.

Thing is, for those who don't know their rights, I used to work in a company legally pursuing shipping companies, trucks etc for damages.

As a receiver the cardinal sin is to sign for the goods and inspect later. Reason being that you have signed for them (though you can't see it) as 'Received in Good Condition'. You usually have something like 3 days to inspect, but with a signature, every second that ticks is a disaster and jeopardises any chance of getting your money back.

You are perfectly entitled to inspect the goods for damages - they usually have some rule about how long their driver has too wait, but ignore that and do what you have to and let the driver sweat. THEY know the rules and only get paid on signatures. Hence the 'just give us a squiggle darling and I'll be off......' as he leaves the smashed package out of sight on the van and tries to get a sig first.
e raibow
On opening package it was clear that indeed it was a blue one as Fear had advised. But to say it was clean and rust free would be a slight indulgence abd stretching the truth somewhere over the rainbow. It was already on the way by the wheelarch. I guess it would probably have been OK for a few years if it was cleaned up, flatted down, sprayed and hidden by plastic trim.

But it wasn't 'rust free'.

It was also promised to be here by the end of last week so it could go on a truck to Spain, which they knew. And it wasn't here in time. I gave it back to the driver and advised him to send it back whence it came.

So the upshot currently is that Fear did send a part which was not as described, and a week late, though possibly this was down to City Link and not Fear.

However, he was very evasive when I asked repeatedly on Friday for a tracking ref and he told me several times he would get back to me and never did. That didn't help.

I still believe the man is a complete and utter crook but in this instance at least he had made a vague attempt at honesty.......

I'm sure the whole sorry saga is not yet over - I still want our money back.

The one thing I did forget to do as per the the above reply was to take a bloody photo ! Uh Oh....... Alzheimers alert :)

Keep you posted.
Do the website thing, I did it with Mansfield Carpets when they scammed me. I took them to court and got £150 out of them to put my flooring down again.

I then got myself and posted all the photos on there and a rundown of the problems i had had with them.

As long as it is truthful there is nothing they can do about it. I left it there for 2 years till the domain ran out. I bet they bought in now though as this is about 7 years ago now.