The constitutional position is well known and has been explained by a variety of constitutional "experts" (various Professors of Politics) interviewed on a regular basis on the Beeb and elsewhere. I saw it explained yet again, less than 5 mins before I started tryping this post.
Youve missed the point again!!!!!! what I effectively asked was that how much of the "constitution" is enforcable or down to statute ? I really dont think you'll be able show me the document or ruling that says
he must remain in Downing st (again happy to be shown otherwise :thumb2 )
The Guidance comes from the so called "Cabinet Office Manual" one commentator staed that much of it (not sure if the pm sitting in is one example) is
not statutory and
not mandatory. Its Gordon "clinging on as long as I can" Browns interpretation of it I'm interested in
I quote from one piece written by peole far more switched on to this than me:
"Of course, Mr Brown could decide that he had "lost" the election and resign even if David Cameron falls short of winning an overall majority when the final results are known today. But there are signs that he may try to hang on in Downing Street if the Tories are about 30 or more seats short of the 326-seat "winning post". Some cabinet ministers speak privately of the need to stop the Tories winning 300 seats for a Labour deal with Nick Clegg's party to be viable, but there are no hard and fast rules."
Much academic comment on "constitutional matters" as you can see is opinion based on previous circumstances and examples. This is a pretty extraordinary situation we find ourselves in and the looseness of our non statutory unwritten constitution lends itself to flexibility. Thats one of many reasons reform ie providing a written constitution has stalled over the years.
GB did get "his sorry arse" into the media (i.e. he made a public statement about what was going on) and explained what was going on shortly after Nick Clegg made the announcement that he intended to negotiate with the conservatives about forming a new government. Though it was not obvious from the announcement, I would have thought that GB was more than a bit pissed off, as constitutionally it is for the outgoing PM to kickstart the process of replacing the government after an election - not for the leader of the 3rd largest political party. Obviously GB cannot explain where the negotiations between Cameron and Clegg are up to, as he is not party to them.
Again point missed. I have not seen much tv today so maybe completely wrong (and again cheerfully accept that) but I suspect I havent missed his "hourly bulletins regarding the uncertainty of our nation" see what I mean? He made a statement yesterday that was quite frankly pathetic. A petulant face and a promise to look at something they've had in the no interest box with the file closed since 1998!
Funny how he fails his moral obligations under crisis. Next the lies perhaps just like when he and Tony B Liar needed a reason to take us to war against Iraq
The UK must have a PM and a government at all times. The Labour government remains in position until a new government is ready to take power. It's as simple as that.
No its not as simple as that. Brown can (via the queen) put anyone he wants in within reason , as a Caretaker Prime Minister , so we would never be Prime ministerless. That was the gist of Cleggs comment based on very doable protocol under our constitutional guidance.
Put more simply, Brown is the leader of the party that is not the most popular as determined by all franchised people in the country. He has the power in his hands to follow our wishes :thumb2
I always believe that people are entitled to their views and should not be oppressed in expressing them in any way shape or form and take a part , as far as is practicable , in the running of their country. All political parties have good and bad points. I have never previously disliked a politician accepting they just hold different views to me. However the one big problem I have with Brown and cronies is that he is very subtly dishonest and I hate that with vengance because it affects me and you directly. That too is easily evidenced. One of the best examples being during one of his budgets where he changed income tax to be more favourable for the majority but changed corporation tax without expanding on detail.Have a look see how that ties in with screwing us to death whilst telling us we are better off, you wont be impressed