You cannot substantiate that.
To the same degree as you have watching the BBC to support your side of the debate I can and have, the quotation I gave you ages ago was from a respected political analyst writing in a respected paper,it and other examples are out there
The BBC have, for days, been wheeling various Professors of Political Science behind the microphone to ask about the constitutional position. They have all said the same thing. Gordon Brown has a constitutional duty to remain as PM until a new PM is available to replace him. It will not be known who that is until NC and DC (and/or GB) and their respective parties finish their (now becoming protracted) negotiations.
These professor characters are the same constitutional experts that would have been your lecturers had you chosen to continue your studies in political science. I am perfectly happy to acknowledge that they know a lot more than I do about the subject. I'm not sure, though, why you seem not to accept the authority of their "expert" opinion.
"Accepting Authority of their expert opinion" hmmmmmm........ you shoot your own argument in the foot with that very last statement.
You say opinion, yes thats correct it is opinion.I respect their opinion based on their understanding and knowledge of the constitution which is way above mine.
However the devils in the details and thats what youre missing.
Way back up this post and throughout libraries and internet material my explanation and those of people far brighter than me on the same topic tell you one thing very clearly.
A massive amount of our constitution is not de jure, it is de facto and therefore not a statutory requirement. I have a very strong suspicion the requirement of this particular so called constitutional duty is via evolved protocols rather than statutory duty. Therefore no criminal harm done if a credible replacement is installed as he leaves.
It would be unusual for Brown to ignore protocol and would mean him giving up the power he adores but there again they've got previous for disregarding historic arrangements and we are in extraordinary times so he should listen to the evidenced views expressed via the ballot box.
Therefore I will quote you directly with regards to Brown has to stay put:
You cannot substantiate that.
and repeat my request for you to do so via the relevant statutory instruments.
Particularly relevant as you yourself used the term "opinion" and made no reference to the statutory instruments they were perhaps talking about. I'm only sorry I cant prove the non existance of them but of course doing that's a conundrum too far
Until then I'm afraid your assertions that he cannot leave office are flawed to the degree they are worthless. My heads getting sore banging it off the wall so realistically theres no future in this strand, until you identify that statutory instrument and support your argument. I'm sure you'll agree :nenau