there was a green lane code of conduct which is general knowledge to most green laners but for the sake of new comers it was thought worthy of posting.
If we all follow these simple rules it might just help keep them open, you never know!
Here is a simple list of guidelines for greenlane users.
Ø Keep to the defined track. Detour only to pass immovable obstructions. Report any obstructions (including low branches) to the highway authority. Be critical of your own abilities and equipment when assessing an obstruction; it is your right to abate a non-lawful obstruction, but do not commit yourself to a bigger task than you are equipped for.
Ø If the route is not obvious on the ground, ask locally, or check on the maps held at the highway authority offices.
Ø Travel at a quiet and unobtrusive pace and as slowly as practicable; its recommend a maximum of 12 mph when in a 4x4 and on an Unsurfaced Right of Way (URoW). Ensure your vehicle is fully road-legal, URoW are subject to the same laws as surfaced roads.
Ø When travelling in groups, keep to a small number - ideally five or less. Split larger parties up and either use a different route or allow a good interval to elapse before following.
Ø Do not travel on URoW when they risk being affected beyond a point of natural recovery once the weather improves. If need be, walk some or all of the route first to determine its suitability.
Ø Avoid damage to trees, hedgerows and boundaries. Some roads carry vehicular rights but are physically too narrow for 4x4s.
Ø Be courteous to other road users - pull over, stop your vehicle and switch off the engine for passing horses. Thank those who move over for you.
Ø After consultations with Country Landowners Association and National Farmers Union HQ’s, "best practice" dictates that gates if they were found to be secured in an open position should be left open, and those which are found shut or swinging should be shut behind you; the landowner might appreciate being told about a gate insecurely propped open if you see them.
Ø Keep dogs and children under supervision. Watch out for injured or trapped animals, and report all suspicious events to the landholder.
Ø Guard against all risks of fire.
Ø Take your litter home and that left by others if you see it, wherever practicable. Plastic bags can suffocate stock if swallowed.
Ø Help to keep all water clean.
Ø Remember that wildlife faces many threats and URoW are valuable habitats, take special care in spring and early summer.
Ø Follow the Country Code, but be aware that it is for your guidance only