The story of our Red T2, Jiggly (Project thread)

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We decided to change some of the light switches in the house, after the burglary, for time switches, so popped round to our local electrical wholesaler to gets some bits. The road they are down, is quiet narrow, and at the entrance to the road is a Jewsons, that has these 40foot curtain siders that pull up to deliver. So there is just enough room between the wall, and the side of the lorry to squeeze through, but the wing mirror is brushing the curtains of the lorry, where they are hanging out. Just as Suz got to the last one, there was a bang, and the mirror folded round into the drivers door...

The mount was smashed... Well I decided for the sake of marital harmony, especially after the week Suz has had, that now was one of those occasions to play this down.... "no problem, I'll fix it"...

Yeah right.. it was well knackered..

We are doing a lot of motorway driving at the moment, so I need to sort it as quick as possible.

First job, to take the door card off... the pozidrive screw/bolt that holds the inside handle on is totally shredded and I can't get the screwdriver to bite... After goodness only knows how long, I finally find a 10mm socket with a thin enough wall that will go up the hole in the handle, and fit onto the outside of the bolt, but even then, it's cross threaded, so is very hard to undo, and I have to re-tap the thread and find a new bolt for when I re-fit it.

So I go onto Ebay, and find a person breaking a T2, the same colour, and just a year newer, and order up the mirror.. The trouble is, the picture was of the whole car, as he was hopping to use the listing for the wing mirror to advertise that he was scrapping the whole car. Fortunately, the listing said that it was the one with a 5 way connector as opposed to the 3 way one and as I needed the 5 way connector, it looked perfect...

Doh.... Not sure how many on here know, but there is a 3 way connector, (e.g no heated mirror) and there are at least 2 different 5 way connectors...

The one that arrived is the "Other" 5 way connector.

Then I notice that Suz's mirror has a colour coded cover, and the mirror surround is black, the one I have just got is all red, and made in one piece.

2 hours later, I have managed to produce a hybrid mirror from the 2 and set to work re-fitting it all back to the car.

"Sorry hun, I hope I did not create too much work for you, I know you are super busy at the moment"... "No.. it was easy 5min job, I just had a few other things to sort out in the garage!!" :augie :lol

Top man :thumbs:)
Thanks guys... I try... :lol

Clive you should have rang me I have many mirrors here, even a pair of 94, Rick

I would have normally Rick, but time was not on my side this last few weeks.

I decided £25 all in, for a "5 min" job (Yeah right), was the easiest route, especially as it was the right colour!! I really should learn there is no such thing as an easy 5 min job on these cars.
Jiggily stopped responding to my remote locking key, fortunately, Suz's was still working, as we discovered this at silly O'Clock at night.

So after doing the obvious, like checking the battery, and checking the switches, it was decided that the remote was terminal.

A replacement was ordered from Ebay, and then came the fun of trying to programme the car to accept the new remote control....

I tried the down load as written, and while it worked on my 1999 T2, it would not work on Suz's 2001 T2, I scoured the web for more information, but everything I found was exactly the same as the down load...

Suz's T2 is the version where you have to unlock the car twice to unlock all the doors, where as my car, you only need to do it once.

Eventually, I discovered an extra bit of info, which solved the problem on Suz's car...

So, I have taken the download, but added the extra steps that seemed to make all the difference for me.

Ensure all the doors have been unlocked, which means if your car requires 2 presses of the remote to unlock the rear and boot, then either double click a working remote, or if you don't have any working remotes, then use the drivers door internal door lock to lock, and then unlock the car.


1. Leave the drivers door open.

2. Put foot on accelerator pedal, and push to floor. (keep it there)

3. Turn the ignition switch from off to first Position (Acc),

4, Turn from the ACC to ON and back to ACC 6 times within 10 seconds.

5. Turn ignition switch to OFF position. Leave key in ignition switch.

6. After 2 seconds, the system will enter programming mode and will flash
the hazard warning lights twice.

7. You can then remove the key from the ignition which makes it a lot easier to press the buttons on the remote if it is part of the key.

8. Press and HOLD the unlock button on the remote.

9. While pressing the unlock button, press the lock button 3 times.

10. Release the unlock button.

11. The Hazard warning lights will flash once to indicate successful programming.

12. Repeat procedure 8 to 11 for up to 4 remote controls.

13. When completed, re-insert a key, and turn ignition ON, and the hazard warning lights will flash 2 times.

14. Remove key, and check all the remote controls for correct operation.

The programming mode will stop when the ignition is switched on or,
if no input signal either from the switch or remote controls has been received for 120 seconds.

This has to be done with all remotes you wish to use.

I hope this helps anyone else who has problems in the future.
Bloody hell. You deserve a medal for figuring that out.
Very well done. How much would that have cost at a dealer:eek:

Hell fire Clive, that is great work......I will follow this advice when I reprogrammed new fobs on my return....
:thumb2 :clap

Let me know how you get on. Try it as per the download, but like I say, if that does not work, then this at least worked 100% on Suz's car.

Nice to have 2 sets of keys again.
Well, Jiggly has been behaving for the last little while, and leaving me time to mod the Jeep, so today, I decided it was time to give her some TLC to say thank you.

First, I removed the sound proofing from under the bonnet of my T2, and fitted it to Jiggly, that should help keep her warm on those cold nights :doh

I fitted the Bonnet spoiler, and then fitted the rear door shelf from my T2 as well. I had to do a few minor mods to get it to fit, as Jiggly has the newer tailgate with the straight bottom edge of the window, and the storage nets, where as my T2 has the older tailgate with the door release, and lowered window.

I then set to work tidying things up, as she has not been cleaned since last year, and was looking a bit scruffy. The first job was to clean up the door hinges, they have bugged me for a long time, as they have had that spray on grease, which has gone hard, and is now covered in crud. Instead of being red, it's a nasty dirty black. A litre of white spirit, and a lot of elbow grease, I finally got the hinges all nice and clean.

I then hovered the whole car, cleaned the leather, and used dash wipes on all the plastic trim, so it was gleaming inside, but by the time I had done that, it was starting to get dark.

I then did something really stupid, as I had the compressor running, and up to pressure, I decided to use the airline to blow out the lower part of the front wings, which resulted in the inside of the car getting covered in rotted leaves, and mud... :eek:

So I gave up for the night, and went and got a Chinese Takeaway. I will start again on the car tomorrow..:doh
Thought you liked cleaning cars :lol

Anyway, it’s a lovely day outside today. Just the sort of day to clean the inside of cars :augie


Well, as it happens, I did clean the inside, and the outside.

I cleaned all the cream trim, wiped all the leather, hovered all the carpets (again), cleaned all the mats, polished all the windows and siliconed all the rubber seals. We then washed the car, with a chamois leather finish, Wonder Wheeled the wheels, and Blacked all the black trim.

I even made up a board I could hold in the door frame, so when I jet washed the inside of the front wing, it did not spray back inside the car (this time!!).

Then, having done all that, we washed the Jeep as well.

Suz, then decided we had not done enough work for one day, and set to work, jet washing off the driveway, which then meant I had to go round weeding, and sweeping the drive as well.

I can't move now, even typing this, I am wincing with every slight movement...:doh

Ohh, and jet washing the drive has left dirty black specs all along the side of the caravan, so now I am going to have to wash that!!!
Just been reading through this and it’s great being reminded of the brilliant work that you have done on this truck :clap:clap

Quick question, how did you make the rear number plate mod for the sockets and hinged the plate.

Just been reading through this and it’s great being reminded of the brilliant work that you have done on this truck :clap:clap

Quick question, how did you make the rear number plate mod for the sockets and hinged the plate.



On the T2, the rear number plate is actually mounted on a removable plastic plate, held on by 3, IIRC, screws to the rest of the bumper. It's pretty easy to remove, but before you do you need to draw a reference line across the top of it, where it tucks up behind the bumper over hang, as you need to make sure you put the hinge far enough down below this, otherwise with the number plate on, it hits the overhang before it is at 90degrees.


You can see in this picture the bits that stick down on the bumper over hang.

Once the plastic plate is out, it's easy to cut the holes in a good place for the (in my case) 2 plastic cup holders (got from Ebay). You can't centre one, as it would get in the way of one of the fixing screws when you go to put it back on the car.

I then made a stainless steel plate (might be aluminium, I can't remember) the size of the number plate, and fixed that to a stainless steel piano hinge, which I then fixed to the plastic plate. This is where you need to make sure to attach it far enough below the line you drew on the plastic plate, to allow for not only the thickness of the metal plate you have made, but also the addition of the number plate being fixed to it (they are thicker than you think!).

There is quite a choice of the cup holders, and on Jiggly, I used black Plastic ones. I drilled 6 holes in the flange of the cup holder, and fixed them in place with stainless self tappers. They are quite deep, so I needed to make up a spacer for the socket, so it did not sit in there too deep and stop you being able to open the socket top. On the Cute friendly Giant, I found some shallower Stainless steel ones, but the problem with the shallower ones, is the socket stick out a bit, which would not work on the T2, as the number plate would not fold back down. When you put the socket in the cup holder, you need to put it slightly off-centre, so it is nearer the bottom, to allow for the lid of the socket to open.

I think that is all the tips.


I needed to flatten the top and bottom edge of the cup holders as the top got in the way of the hinge (that I had to lower as I did not draw the line!), and my OCD needed to balance them hence the bottom one.

These are the shallow cup holders I used on the Jeep.



The Second one now has the Caravan Rear View Camera socket in it.
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Well, Jiggley passed her MOT today, no advisories either. She only did 1500 miles last year as well.

I did the usual check over, and service, the only extras were changing the rear diff oil and the rear tiebars, which were the only advisory from last year, which I forgot.

Very pleased with the result.

Now I just need to give my T2, the Fuzzmobile, a good going over, and get an MOT, so I can sell it with one on.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
Great news Clive, always good when you get an mot and good luck with the old one getting the test.
I pick up a Maverick on Sunday but that’s got an mot fortunately.