Terrano refuses to start

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Almost there - maybe...

Hi everyone, just to let you know, we tried everything you kindly suggested, no dice.Then we called the man in the yellow van. He couldn't fix it, but thought he knew a man who could. So it was "recovered" to a garage about a week and a half ago. Got a phone call yesterday, they had it started and running! Finally.
But, another problem. They couldn't switch it off.
But at least it starts and runs. They had to stall it to stop the engine. How do you stall an automatic?
Anyway, they're waiting for a part, have tried 5 different nissan dealers to no avail.
The chap who phoned didn't know how they'd got it started, what was wrong with it initially, what's wrong with it now, or indeed when they're getting the part in. He just makes the phonecalls.
The saga continues.
I want to thank you all very much for your help, ideas and suggestions. I've learned a lot on this site. I'll let you know what happens next.
That was something I suggested but the man on the phone couldn't tell me. I'm going round to the garage tomorrow and hopefully someone will be able to tell me something.
switch is common

i can take the keys out while its running its so bad. someone bought one recently from nissan i beleive not too expensive
Isn't there some kind of fuel shut off solenoid on diesels, stopping the fuel supply is the only way to stop it properly isn't it? Once running all the engine needs is fuel and air.

Jim T

PS Mandy, I really feel for you as you must have some real rogue garages up there from the sounds of it.
Well it home!

Well i got the terrano home yesterday. It was running! Today it has started once and now no longer wants to play.The imobiliser light is just continually flashing slowly and is not resetting itself. Is there any way to bypass the immobiliser? It really is getting to me now and after paying another £365 to get it running i am starting to despair.Can any of you kind people advise ? sorry to a an ongoing pest
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Apart from tea and sympathy, and I'm sure the crew will be back with more suggestions, it might help to list what the garage did for this £300-odd - partly to rule out things and partly to see if they ought to be taking another look FOC or even refunding your money!
Mav 2.7tdi wont start flashing mil light
My sidelights blew a fuse and melted the fuse in the fuse box, then the car would not start and the engine management light started flashing read on if you are interested
I decided to look for the initial problem of why the fuse melted in the fuse box for the sidelights, on investigation found that the indicator/side light stalk had 3 wires running inside the stalk itself, two off which had burnt and melted together short! stripped and reinsulated the wires. Bypassed the original fuse holder with a sepererate fuse. still did;nt work.... reconnected the original wires back to fuse box and this time bridged accross the fuse box trerminals with my external fuse. lights now work..... engine also starts and the warning light has gone, immobiliser dash light now goes off with ignition.. i can only summise that a faulty sidelight wiring stopped my mav from starting! maybee that by reconnecting via the original fuse box the side lights either provide or receive a connection from another point on the fuse box,
hope this might help someone?

I would like to thank Toolbox for bouncing ideas, cheers from Kwondo

maybee by sorting out the minor problems the large problems might go away, on the other hand you might waste money on the small things for nothing good luck,
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I hate this car!

Hey guys had the nice mechanic from the last garage out this morning. He has suggested that the reason it is not starting is that the battery is not giving enough power so the immobiliser is kicking in and thus not allowing the car to start. I tried to explain that usually when you lock the car the wee red light on the dash flashes really fast for about 15 to 20 seconds and then flashes at a normal rate. The damn light is only flashing at a normal rate and not resseting itself. He proceeded to put a new battery on it lus the jump leads to his car but shock horror it did not work!( what would i know i am only a girl). He has now given up and gone back to the garage to bring back a tractor battery! well i am sure that will work....
hi mandy, i had immobiliser problems in as much that the fob would'nt deactivate before starting vehicle, so i set about removing immobiliser completely, when they fiitted immobiliser they don't just cut wires they also cut approx 4" out of loom and then reconnect immobiliser so there is no way to join wires, you have to solder pieces of wire in and insulate, sounds alot but it's well worth doing, if not you will have to get a vehicle electrician to do work, it took me hour and half to do and vehicle starts first turn. :thumb2 :doh


Thanks for the advice tezzer. I think is going to be the way forward as i am stuck with a car that i cant do a thing with.We will await the tractor battery this afternoon and see if the miracle mechanic can fix it,then we will do the immobiliser thing . As i am not mechanically minded i will pass on that to someone else. Cheerdie!
pity your so far fome most of us. any member closer to you maybe they can have a look
put the kettle on and make a cake... im sure some one would help you both out
well if it did start from the garage. then it didnt when you got home.... i recon your still not getting a good connection on your wiring...

i just had loads of trouble with mine. swapping batteries with new fully charged ones and still not turning over or starting....

took about a week to fix and lots of crappy cleaning and fiddling

i still think you have a dirty connection or electrical fault causing not charging or not releasing power from battery

i got a feeling mine was the white live wire from alternator to battery dirty
i recon. which seems odd as it still wouldn't start with a new charged battery... in fact it wouldn't even start with jump leads from my freelander straight to the battery leads on the mav without mav's battery... common sence says it cant be that live wire but it fixed it instantly

but everything is clean now and new leads for battery going on soon
Big problems starting in very cold weather

I've just been reading the problems that you have been having with starting and don't feel quite so bad now. I've had my 'p' reg Maverick for 3 years. It's a great run around and has pulled my 2 horse trailer out of the deepest mud, whilst other Jeeps and Range Rovers have had to be towed. This winter I have had terrible problems with starting from cold. In fact it won't even start with jump leads and the only effective way is to tow it to turn the engine over. The mechanic has put in new battery, leads and starter motor. It's OK starting after warming up the glow plugs a couple of times, but the other day when it was freezing, it just turned over very slowly and refused to fire. My mechanic has suggested I join the Nissan and Mav owners club as he has come to a dead end. I've read all the previous messages but can't see that anything has been missed with regard to solving the problem. Currently starting OK as it's getting warmer. Any further ideas would be gratefully received.

End of the road for my terrano

Well folks, I've called it quits. I've tried everything that you've all so kindly suggested, it's been in four different garages, been seen by auto electricians and diesel specialists, but my terrano still won't start (my computer also blew up which is why I haven't posted for a while). I bought my terrano because I wanted a good reliable, land rover alternative for towing my horsebox, and because we live in the wilderness, i needed something that worked well off road (which incidentally it did). However, the terrano has hardly turned a wheel since november, and to be honest, although I used to love it, I couldn't justify spending any more time or money on it. So I sold it to someone who wants to spend time trying to fix it. Good luck to him. I've lost a lot of money on that car and was just glad to see the back of it. Anyway, I've got myself another Range Rover (my 4th, the best of which actually had a very reliable Nissan engine), and although they leak oil, break down, and rust to bits, parts are cheap and they're easy to fix. I'd like to say I've enjoyed my brief flirtation with the Nissan 4x4 range, but it really hasn't been fun. I think I'm one of the unlucky few that got a bad one. I just wish my terrano had been as reliable as you lot have been helpful. I really appreciate all those who took the time to help me. What a brilliant owners club. All the best, Amanda.
Very sorry to hear the news Mandy, shame we are at different ends of the country, would love to have had a look for you, I like a challenge.
Anyway, pop in on us from time to time let us know how things are going with the RR.