There is a self test mode for the TCU that will check the majority of the switch signals etc. This will save a lot of time compared with checking them with a meter etc.
An additional bonus is, it checks all of the wiring in the bargain.
This should at the very least, significantly narrow down the area of the problem, without having to tear the vehicle apart!
It is described fully in manual section EL-182 -->
Will have another look on my next day of at this TA.. :thumb2
Trouble Diagnosis
The Timer Control Unit includes software to help during development testing, manufacturing and service.
It allows the technician to put it into Diagnostic Mode. In this mode, all switch inputs can be tested for continuity and if so equipped, alarm triggers identified.
When the time control unit is in Diagnostic Mode, the control unit tests the component and indicate the result
by the hazard lamp flashing.