t2 spare wheel carrier rot

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Nov 30, 2004
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took spare off tonight to ease coupling caravan to find the bottom stud
rotted in places to point could see thru it.

Last time was off certainly saw surface rust, at speeds around 70mph
would develop a continuous squeak/rattle which i recall others
have thought was spot welds in the rear door that had failed.

So is it possible the rot could cause the noise via vibration,

and any idea the cost of a new mount.

Considering leaving off, as for hols will have spare in boot and
round town when 7 seats needed maybe carry a tyre fix kit.

With rear door cleaned up, it could look a bit disco 3 like and the
weight saving increase the life of the door and its frame. Certainly
coupling up was a pleasure with the alko 2700 lever not fouling the
tyre. I'll also have loads of room to raise number plate away from
off road possible damage.
spare wheel carrier

i took mine off a couple of weeks ago to shotblast and powder coat as it was badly rusted,but after blasting quite a few holes had appeared so i got one of the welders to plate it up for me.he also cleaned it up to a one piece finish so you can't even see the repairs.looks as good as new now its been powder coated.water must get trapped between the spare and bracket as all the rust was around the studs.i now leave the wheel cover off as it seems to keep all the moisture trapped on the spare.
When I got my Mav from new I coated everything on view and hidden with waxoyl, including the spare wheel bracket, it's only 13 years later you see the real benefits. But I'll check the fixing studs though.
spare wheel carrier

just taken spare wheel off carrier like new mine has E235 stamped on it if this is any help letters are 2"high stamped on front between the two top studs shunt555
hi does anyone know if the bolts that hold the bracket onto the door are
secured by captive nuts, or will i need to take door lining off to remove
bracket...its time to get it welded.
wheel carrier

they are captive nuts so no need to take off the door panel :smile: just put plenty of release oil on them as you dont want to bend the rear door if they are a bit on the tight side.

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