I'm glad I shared the pic.
I had a jumper just like that one, back in the 80's, i had mine for christmas too :thumb2
That's the one, that mouth organ takes me back a bit :thumbs
not the strangest , but certainly the funniest ..... i saw a aa van broken down at the side of the road being loaded onto a transporter :augie
nissan power vs aa reno lol
reminds me of an organ joke...
Fella is home from the army on leave and is in the church indulging his favourite hobby, playing the church's immaculate old organ.
The music is fantastic and suddenly theres a puff of smoke and a flash of light and the angel Gabriel appears.
"My son" says Gabe, "your playing is truly inspired and I've been sent down to grant you two wishes"
"Blimey" says the soldier, "I don't know what to say!".
He thinks for a minute and then says "Well first of all, I don't have an organ of my own to play, not even a small one; could you get me one?".
"Of course" says Gabe. "Now what about your second wish?".
"Well if I'm honest, I'd love more time to play and I hate being in the army, but its really difficult to get out. Is there any way you can get me discharged?"
"No problem my son" says Gabe, "Just give me tonight to get things sorted and tomorrow you'll have all that your heart desires".
So the soldier went home elated, ate his tea and went to bed.
Next day he woke up .......... with the organ in one hand and the discharge in the other.................:augie
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