Strange noise

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Sep 29, 2013
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Hi all

Just got myselfd a totally standard low mileage 3.0 and all was going well until I noticed that a strange noise emanating from what feels like the rear end, ooeer.
It's difficult to explain the noise but it's like a scrapping grinding noise and happens ( or is more noticeable )when going round a tight corner.

When I noticed this I selected 4wd then selected 2wd and the noise temporarily disappeared but is now back again but this could be a coincidence to be honest.

Also I have found it really hard to get the car back to 2wd is the some real knack I'm missing, never had this issue with previous 4x4

when in 4 wheel.stop. select 2 then revers a few feet. there is instructions on your sun visor.
as for the noise:nenau
you have a limited slip rear diff, if the oil is old or the wrong oil is in then the clutch plates ratchet instead of slipping gently, so first job change your oil for proper LSD stuff, Rick

Great advise I will get theLSD oil and take it from there,
The problem with the drive selection is that I can't get the lever forwards enough to select 2wd , it just won't move?

Thanks for the rapid response by the way:thumb2:thumbs
Hmmm I'm thinking from what you've just said that you are stuck in 4wd? is that right? this isn't good as these motors do not like being used on hard surfaces in 4wd in fact should not be used like that. Does the 4wd light go out on the dashboard????

You also haven't said what year yours is? I'm suspecting with it being a 3 litre that you'll have fixed front hubs and not auto locking free wheeling hubs. If they are fixed then reversing a few feet won't disengage the hubs.

Has the car had a body lift??? this can cause the selector not to have full range.

Certainly the rear diff should have the correct LSD oil and not gear oil.
Going off the fact it's a 3L I would say it's a 2001 or younger model so will have fixed front hubs so there is no need to back up to disengage them. Finding it hard going back into 2WD could be due to transmition wind up as they shouldn't be used on tarmac in 4WD unless it's covered in snow/ice & when the wind up gets bad you can't turn corners. Depending on the age of your motor it could have an LSD diff as mentioned but some of the laters ones had a normal open diff so you need to know which you have before buying oil but the scrubbing sound does sound like a LSD is fitted but put a pic up & we'll be able to tell you
It's an 04 model, I have got it back in 2wd after 10 mins of trying, I only went a very short distance and very slowly in 4wd on Tarmac so should be ok there.
The car hasn't got a body lift either.
It's an 04 model, I have got it back in 2wd after 10 mins of trying, I only went a very short distance and very slowly in 4wd on Tarmac so should be ok there.
The car hasn't got a body lift either.

No, driving just a metre in 4 wheel drive on tarmac will greatly cause Wind up unless all 4 tyres are exactly the same size, and you are driving in a straight line.

Next time if you have trouble, then just to prove wind up, do the same thing again, then handbrake firmly on, then chalk a line on a front tyre, at 6:00 o'clock position, then jack up that wheel only, and you will see it rotate a fair few degrees.:eek: now try to rotate the wheel back to the original position...:doh
You should then find out the problem of shifting back to 2wheel drive has been sorted.

Then you will understand the power of windup. This effect can shred tyres as the tyres try to slip to release some of this torque, the drive train, drive shafts, CV joints, prop shaft UJ's, both axles, the transfer box, will all face this wind up torque, it's a bit like setting off trying to do wheel spins on every trip and mile of your journey, if you care for your car, then you wouldn't do it. You will also use excessive fuel to overcome the extra wasted energy in trying to rip your tyres to shreds. The reason for the windup on these vehicles, is there is no centre diff between the front and the rear axles:doh. That with the Limited Slip Diff make these vehicles so good off road:thumb2:thumb2

The worse the mis match in tyre circumferences, the quicker the wind up will happen, a few feet can do it:doh
On a 50 mile journey on dry tarmac, you could shred all tyres, or take thousands of miles of normal wear off them.

I hope this re-assures you that what you have done would happen, and has happened to all of us at some time, even on snow packed roads in 4 wheel drive, then you drive on a cleared section, which has dried out will cause the same effect.
What I do, bearing in mind, mine has seen 18 winters in my ownership, is slip the gear into 2 wheel drive high, from 4 wheel drive high, and back, as the road surface changes at normal road speeds, even 50+ mph.. You don't need the clutch, the auto hubs don't disengage, unless you roll back at a junction, or reverse... then you could hear clicking as the hubs are partially disengaged:doh

Yours I think has fixed front hubs, so you can select 4wheel drive on the move at any speed as required, but ONLY on poor surfaces etc.

NEVER engage or disengage 4 wheel drive LOW whilst in motion, YOU MUST BE STATIONARY, hand brake on preferred.

This can be a problem, if you are trying to get a load moving on a steep hill on a dry road and you need the extra low gears of the low box, but to be fair, it is not normally a big issue, unless you are say reversing 2.8 tonnes up a steep drive.:doh

Hope it helps,
best regards,
I literally only went forwards a couple of feet in 4 wd to try and get rid of the noise from the rear which it did. Can believe it would cause any damage as I say it was a short distance and very slow.
Now the noise is back from the rear and I'm going to change the rear diff oil, can anyone tell me the quantity of LSD oil to put in?

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