steering remote

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hi guys
anybody had any success in connecting the t30 x-trial steering remote to a kenwood dvd player. I have been told that it needs an adapter to transpose the resistanse to a digital pulse. but I cant find an adapter. any thoughts
I got the connetor that connects to the kenwood from halfrauds but it needs the adapter to work
tried sextons (kenwood agent) they said there wasnt one

looks promising I've got one on order I will post how It works for future reference
thanks for that
fusbblood said:
I got the connetor that connects to the kenwood from halfrauds but it needs the adapter to work
tried sextons (kenwood agent) they said there wasnt one

looks promising I've got one on order I will post how It works for future reference
thanks for that
ok great success.
recieved the vehicle specific adapter from caraudiodirect .com only to find the radio specific adapter I had previously bought from halford was not compatible with vehicle adapter. So it was back to caraudiodirect. com for the correct radio adapter. Connected them all together and hey presto steering wheel control of the radio brilliant!

I cant abide things on cars that dont work -

for anybody reading this contemplating a similar excercise. The vehicle specific adapter includes the nissan socket and ISO plugs. So no need buy the iso radio adapter separatly as I did.

Thanks for your help in this matter

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