...It was a self-inflicted problem!
A little while ago, I asked if the tickover level could be adjusted up, & Clivvy answered with a mention of the throttle pedal sensor, and the possiblity that it might be possible to tweak a tiny adjustment from it by rotating it a tiny bit on its screws...and of course, when I got to contort myself into position to squint at it, I saw an adjustment screw-stop, and thought "Aha! Now, if I screw that down to take up the slack on the little drum..", and off I went with spanner & allen key...
Engine running, I fiddled with it, thought I'd raised the tickover slightly past the shudder-level, locked the nut down & test-drove it around the block. All seems ok...but come three days later, we jumped in a bit late for an appointment, started it up - jiggled the pedal, but no revving...(hence, this query). I swore - like you do...
Had to wait 'til today for time to try to sort out the problem...and I thought, "I wonder if that adjustment is at fault?" Couldn't see how at first - but lo' and behold, reset the screw & nut back to its original position - Hey Presto! Revs galore!!!
So, I have to consider that there's a sequence of switching events that take place each time you press the pedal, so therefore, if part of that sequence gets out of sync', it registers a fault on the ECU and refuses to allow the bloody thing to work...? :nenau
What's so wrong with a good old-fashioned throttle cable & butterfly stops???
Either way, I'm a happy bunny, and it's running fine again. (*Note to self:- Don't twiddle with things you know naff-all about...*) ThinkI'll pay a visit to my tame local Ford mechanic & see if he can plug in his dongle (Ooer, Missus!) and jiggle the ECU idling settings to smooth the tickover out...unless you guys know better? :bow
Thanks muchly for your input!