Hmmm - so it starts to gets cool and seems the battery like it is going with the engine struggling to turn over.
So change the battery for a new one and..... it still seems to struggle turning over.
So on the basis it isn't the battery, any bright ideas?
I know the power steering pump bearings are going but can't imagine they'd be that stiff to stop it turning over (need to free the belt and see how stiff it is I guess).
I need to check the charging, but no alternator 'not charging' light showing.
Can't see anything obvious that would be draining the battery.
Anything else obvious to check?
So change the battery for a new one and..... it still seems to struggle turning over.
So on the basis it isn't the battery, any bright ideas?
I know the power steering pump bearings are going but can't imagine they'd be that stiff to stop it turning over (need to free the belt and see how stiff it is I guess).
I need to check the charging, but no alternator 'not charging' light showing.
Can't see anything obvious that would be draining the battery.
Anything else obvious to check?