Starter Motor Replaced

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Hi all, i haven't done much on my Terrano for a while, it has been running really well.

The other day the starter motor started to play up and wouldn't turn over, eventually stopping all together.

So time to buy a replacement, went to my local factor and they supplied me with a new one for £95 plus £20 exchange fee, so i don't think that was too bad.

So tonight i jacked the front off side up, removed the wheel and pulled back the rubber matting on the inner wheel arch.

Considering there are only two bolts holding the starter on its surprising how difficult and awkward they are to undo....the top one would be easy if you had long slender arms able to squeeze through all the hoses etc, the bottom one i initially though "easy peasy", but although i could get a 17mm spanner on it it didn't allow me any room to turn the spanner, ended up putting a socket on it with a universal joint and a few long extensions and it was eventually undone.

Now came the next challenge; getting the starter motor out between the inner wheel arch and the chassis, a little bit of jiggling around and it was out.

Reassembly was considerably easier and she now starts fast and strong

Not a particularly difficult job, a little hard for access but easily doable.

its a horrible job aint it.

But whats a exchange fee?
This is a kind of deposit to ensure you return the duff part once replaced by the refurb item to ensure the factor has a stock of duff items to refurb for tbe next customer with a similar duff item