Squeaky suspension

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Pulling to one side on the brakes, possible opposite side caliper seized slightly. Easy fix, remove caliper, pop pistons out, clean everything, put it back together.
Thanks for that redrex, I did wonder about a seized caliper, unfortunately it does mean a visit to the local garage as I have nowhere to work, plus remperatures here in southern Spain are currently 32 to 36 degrees in the shade, which equates to around 50 in the sun, which is where I would be working, just a tad too hot to be working on a car!
Bruce (Terranical)
silly question i know , but , is the door closing correctly ? ....... on the striker .... is there movement once closed ? , might just need the striker /hinges adjusting

what condition is the rubber seal in ?
Decided to have another go at curing my squeak, sprayed the drag link ends, the shocker bushes, the drop links and any other joint or bush I could find with spray grease - IT'S GONE, after driving me mad for a year.
All I have to do now is find what's causing the rattle in the back door and stop the brakes from pulling to the left - ho hum!

Well told you earlier, all I did was put waxoyl over all my moving bits and my squeeks have gone. :augie

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