Spill valve module?

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Sounds to me that cheapest to start with is remove rear brake drums and check rear linings are intact.
After that change rear diff oil.

Also be aware that rear wheel bearings would make a noise easily confused with rear diff as well as rear propshaft UJ’s.

As Rick said dealerships are not used to seeing Terranos these days so may not have the knowledge or experience to diagnose very well.

To be honest although these trucks have weaknesses generally speaking they are pretty reliable. So I’m prpetty sure they can both be fixed.
Thanks Jim,

Hopefully they come off easily enough, definitely all worth checking, if i end up being the one i expect i'll be back asking more questions! shame he's away most of the time or we could be on it asap.

He really wants to keep his original one (with pump problem) i think i read if fitting another fuel pump it needs to be coded like on a Transit?
Drums aren’t too bad, have a search on here I’m sure I remember someone posting photos or there may be a how to guide in the downloads section.

I’d of looked myself but dashing off to work. Good luck.
Just posted this in your other thread but I'll copy it into here too in case you missed it.

You can read the codes yourself at home with nothing more than a paperclip, some simple adding up and a cup of tea (optional)

There will be a 16 pin plug underneath the fusebox located underneath the steering wheel near the drivers right leg. If you bridge the first pin on the bottom row with the last pin on the bottom row and switch the ignition on you'll see that the MIL light or (malfunction indication light) will start blinking at you.

You will see a series of long flashes and short flashes, a long flash is 10 and a short flash is 1, so for example when I had a problem with my Injection pump on my 2.7 I kept getting code 21 which was 2 long flashes and 1 short, the truck will cycle through the codes until you remove the paperclip.

You can check what the codes relate to here;

This will give you as much info as your local garages fancy £500 Snap On reader

Guys, who was it that was sorting the workshop manuals page out as I still can't gt to them?
I wouldn't be dropping 600+ on a recon pump without running the thing on temp tank in the engine bay etc. Looking for air leaks in the fuel etc etc
Thanks Banshee, i saw it in the other thread, it could come in very handy in future,

I know what you're saying Fez, its in the mechanics hands at the moment, would it still throw up codes for the spill valve if there was an air leak? he's been saying for a while it goes into limp mode now and then but ignition off and on and its fine for a while again, maybe its just got to the point where its had enough, stalled that time whilst idling and that's that.
Couple more for you use both at work and cant rate them higher.



In regards to the spill valve cant say ive ever heard of one but the leak offs are often called spill pipes which could be where the confusion is??

I actually have a s**t load of good working ecu's at work for the vp44 but they are off 2.4 transits that use the same pump. Remember the ecu also carries the immobiliser so if its replaced it either needs to be cloned over to the new one or be re-coded to the car. The pumps themselves are bulletproof its just the electronics that let them down but hey its early technology and was only a stop gap before common rail came in.
All i know is the code reader said spill valve module fault and Nissan know the part as a spill valve module but it seems most others call it the Electronic Diesel Control i'm guessing they are the same part?

Thanks for those links they might be needed at some point,

Thank you as you've just answered my next question regarding whether he could remove the EDC of his other Terrano and and fit it to this one.
Knew you would have some input Luke, glad I do not have a 3, I will stick to my Y60 with mechanical pump, today just backed off the compensator diaphragm a little as I have the power but just a tad too much smoke at low revs, and need to find a no smoke point as well for the MOT in Nov, Rick
Want to hear a good joke, in the add the previous owner stated he'd had new rear shoes fitted costing £120 but he told my mate he only had time to do one side so the other sides not been done, even i know that's a no no!
Nothing in the world of the motor trade suprises me anymore, Ive recently had a customer bring me an engine that had been fully reconditioned and when he installed it the bottom end was knocking, After i removed the sump and pulled the big end caps it was obvious no3 big end only had half a bearing shell in. The word dangerous gets used quite a lot these days.
Unbelievable what people will do,

My mates just sent me the error codes it says Nissan Patrol error 76P6 76 P6 spill valve

It then says car makes with this module Almera, Patrol and Nissan pick up all 2.2 td.
What have they used to read the codes? They should have a p code (example P1234) that looks like a cheap generic reader to me.
I don't know but apparently he had to get someone round with a laptop to check it,

Apparently it was a cheap code reader, i've taken a picture of what info he's sent me but i don't know how to add it to the thread, sounds like there's a fair possibility he's got the wrong part listed.
Right ive done some digging and thats an ecutalk code. Take a look at these they may be of help :).

Sorry for all the pics lol but I believe the workshop downloads are still down so I posted the relevant section. The spill valve controls the fuel injection amount I would suggest cracking an injector and cranking to see if there is any amount of diesel getting up there at all. If there is a small amount I would give the side of the pump a whack in case the needle is stuck if that still doesnt work bypass the hand primer and run a fuel supply from a can direct to the pump to rule out a supply issue. And if none of that works its pump off and rebuild time, Good Luck.