Shed Lock

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Used to have my shed at my old house wired into the panic circuit of the house alarm with a key switch in the house. Inside the shed I had two sound bombs and trust me you aint gonna hang around near those things. Now guess what came with me to the new house and is currently in the garage:thumbs Don't keep much in the way of value in the garage but it'll be fun if anyone does set it off:lol

Statistics show that the firther you live from your nearest neighbour the more likely you are to suffer from a violent crime in your own home! so wherever you live, lock your doors, basic security is always worthwhile. :thumb2
Oh rubbish, it's a well known fact that 99% of statistics are made up :doh
Anyway, that stat. above just proves my point, no neighbors to here the wife scream :naughty
Statistics show that the firther you live from your nearest neighbour the more likely you are to suffer from a violent crime

My neighbour lives approximately a mile away. Crime at my place does indeed usually end in violence.

The guys are right,you can actually break most decent locks with two number 17 spanners if you know how!! Here is an old trick worth a try.Put a motion sensor light in the shed.
Connect a siren to the light via a hidden switch and that's it.Switch the siren on once the light has settled and switch it off before/as you enter.Light and noise for next to nothing.If you happen to be away it will only sound for as long as you have set the light timer.So,no neighbours upset with a constant alarm but bad barstewards on the run.
You can use a 220v siren or 12v via a cheapy variable transformer.
The guys are right,you can actually break most decent locks with two number 17 spanners if you know how!!

You dont need that much stuff, the innocuous and perfectly lawful gear to get past most b&q level padlocks is available from your corner shop for about 75p if not already in your possession :thumb2
Sod the lead, what you want is those little feather tipped darts, they really smart :naughty
OR if you really want to upset the little urchin, file the tip of the pellet then hollow the end a bit with a countersink, then he'll bloody jump :lol:lol

just buy flat tip pellets and put a small ball bearing in the back, only any good with a .22 though, they wont come back after one of them up the jacksy. :augie:naughty
just buy flat tip pellets and put a small ball bearing in the back, only any good with a .22 though, they wont come back after one of them up the jacksy. :augie:naughty

Ooo, never thought of a bearing up the pellet,mmmmmmmm,think I'll have a quick practice :lol
I used to use .22 bullets on the end of the air rifle barrel lodged into the muzzle, they made a nice bang, but no idea where t'bullet went:augie
I used to do target shooting at local gun club, but once all those nancy boy gun rules came out , things were a bit less fun. I mean why they wanted to count bullet shells I dont know :augie:naughty