rev counter intermittent any ideas ?

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Well-known member
May 4, 2010
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hi im having a problem with my terrano once again electrical but i wont give in and go back to trusty mondeo,
now my rev counter stops working and starts again whenever it feels like everytime its off the mi light illuminates but does not put me into limp mode just drives normal has any one got an idea where i would find the sensor for this it seems like its loose if it keeps going on and off or am i wrong ?
is it the rev counter clock itself ive looked everywhere and cant find the cause ?
these problems always start after the heavy rain many thanks in advance if anyone has any ideas ,:thumb2
not 100% sure myself mate BUT im sur eive read about this issue before. if you say the wet is a possible cause, id check your drainage channels below the window-are they draining away down the side of the engine, or through into the dash board area.....some leaks can end up in the foot well...this might be causing an issue...
My Cabstar (2.7TD engine same as Terrano) does it sometimes. It is the alternator.
its funny you should say alternator as the car seems to be ticking over sometimes a bit low when it has full load of electrics on acold morning like wipers heater and radio the other day it just cut out on me for no reason but started up again fine just dooesnt seem right ,
but the rev counter is just bouncing everywhere though and i checked all connections but everything seems ok
My suspicions would be either crank position sensor (CKP) or No1 needle lift sensor. Or of course the wiring to/from them.

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