Relay problem ?

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just back

Hi Guys,

Just back from work.

Liam :Fuse look ok from here, did the swap no changes

Danielj : tried this, no changes (except alarm getting crazy) :D

Liam : I fixed the radio now thanks for the link..... just need front speakers connected

Looking at the diagram, looks very nice....if you can read it :doh so which location ?
Solved ?

so far :eek:

there is 3 types of relay (close. open, mixed)
they are 1M, 2M, 1T or 1M B(black, blue or green, brown, Grey)

Near the fuse box (fuse description under the picture) :
1 accessories relays (blue) in the middle
2 Ignition relay(blue)

Under the bonnet (as described on picture) :

Under the dash :
If you check this :

from the pdf I extracted :
Hi Guys,

Just back from work.

Liam :Fuse look ok from here, did the swap no changes

Danielj : tried this, no changes (except alarm getting crazy) :D

Liam : I fixed the radio now thanks for the link..... just need front speakers connected

Looking at the diagram, looks very nice....if you can read it :doh so which location ?

might have the owners hanbook for the T2 with me. if so i will have a look and see what relay is for what. mine is a different model but might be some help.
Problem Solved !

Ok Guys,

I solved the problem........ I bought 3 blue and black relays (€8 each)

- I swapped all the relays under the dash around (blue ones) with the one I knew was working. and replaced the one I doubt. I put 3 in the bin under the dash.

- then swap the black one with the rear wiper one under the bonnet.

- I replaced all the fuses in the fuse box and under the bonnet

- I checked the plug from the hazard and the rear defogger (last one was not connected properly)

It all works now after about 2 hours work (was ready to give up and burn the car)
Ok Guys,

I solved the problem........ I bought 3 blue and black relays (€8 each)

- I swapped all the relays under the dash around (blue ones) with the one I knew was working. and replaced the one I doubt. I put 3 in the bin under the dash.

- then swap the black one with the rear wiper one under the bonnet.

- I replaced all the fuses in the fuse box and under the bonnet

- I checked the plug from the hazard and the rear defogger (last one was not connected properly)

It all works now after about 2 hours work (was ready to give up and burn the car)

Question: would you say the WD21 schematics bear a reasonable match to the Mistral?
Would they be helpful to Mistral owners?
none of those are indicator relay.ive just changed it on my 96 terrano for same reason.have to remove bottom right section of dash and its near the steering column.

the funny thing about it is that there is 3 relays related to it:

- flasher unit (under the steering)
- indicator relay (not sure about this one but it is refer in the diagram)
- warning relay (under the bonnet)
the funny thing about it is that there is 3 relays related to it:

- flasher unit (under the steering)
- indicator relay (not sure about this one but it is refer in the diagram)
- warning relay (under the bonnet)

have you swapped flasher unit under steering. done mine working ok now just got to get blower working.i think problem was water/ melting snow finding its way in cos when i pulled wires off flasher water came out.


Could be, did not see any water but since all the leak I had recently it could have been.

Since I replaced the relays etc...... I have no buzzer when opening the door ?????

Will check this during the week :sly

the one which come on when you open leave the lights on :thumb2

The funny thing, is that it is a really annoying noise, but when it does not work it's like there is something missing !

do you know which one is the buzzer relay or fuse ?
The funny thing, is that it is a really annoying noise, but when it does not work it's like there is something missing !

do you know which one is the buzzer relay or fuse ?

Don't know. Fuses on mine are totally different from the set-up for the Mistral as given by rayf3262 above. Had a look in my Owner's Manual and that does not say anything about what fuese or relays relate to what.
Thanks guys,

Everything was sorted out !

thanks, let's move to next project :sly