RATS - bit of advice

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Zap !!

Found this on the net.

Electric mousetrap

This more recent type of mousetrap delivers a lethal dose of electricity when the rodent completes the circuit by contacting two electrodes located either at the entrance or between the entrance and the bait. The electrodes are housed in an insulated or plastic box to prevent accidental injury to humans and pets. They can be designed for single-catch domestic use or large multiple-catch commercial use.

Should be easy to make ?
a good old rat rap in a corner with a wooden box on top.. needs a small hole so none target spices can get in.. pnut butter as bait then you just need to sit back and wait... rats like dark places
thanks for the input lads. I have setup two wooden snap traps, laced with tasty pnut butter,,,mmmmmm ya bastards eat it!!!

brought the Rabbit into the house temporarily as the house is mess anyway due to some work we have going on, shes not best pleased but tough titty.

i have setup my web cam to point directly at the run, so hopefully I can spot the rat and see what it does with regards the traps (if it tries to avoid, i can change tactic)
sorry to go off topic , but I have just videoed an air bag deployment, but have not a clue how to get it on here, can you help it is on a chip plugged in to my laptop, it is only short but 12 mb, Rick
sorry to go off topic , but I have just videoed an air bag deployment, but have not a clue how to get it on here, can you help it is on a chip plugged in to my laptop, it is only short but 12 mb, Rick

upload it to photobucket then put a link to it in your next thread
clivvy you can always get the terriers in and smoke machine but you need to have a few rats to make it worth the while... they also make a mess of your garden digging over to turn the rats out
sorry to go off topic , but I have just videoed an air bag deployment, but have not a clue how to get it on here, can you help it is on a chip plugged in to my laptop, it is only short but 12 mb, Rick

yes, as Martin says. Do you have a photobucket account? If not, let me know and you can borrow mine if you like. PM me. thats the easiest way of uploading video anyway.
clivvy you can always get the terriers in and smoke machine but you need to have a few rats to make it worth the while... they also make a mess of your garden digging over to turn the rats out

lol, actually as Zippy suggested we considered catnapping the cats that come through our garden and locking them in the run !!

as far as I can tell, we have ONE plus family. Theres hardly any evidence of them, which is why i think at the moment, we only have a couple...
neosorexa gold or tomcat poison. OR/AND 'fenn' trap with chocolate (these traps have loads more power than normal ones) bout £6 per trap
arrggghh lol, ive enough furry pets!!

on Friday, to celebrate the royal wedding, im taking the roof off the run, removing the rabbits patio (yes, it has a decked patio) and diggin up the entire run, and repairing the holes that the rat has got through, quiet simply we missed this hole when we built it as it was much higher up and we figured the rabbit couldnt dig out, didnt consider rats digging in!

Make sure you change the wabbits water each day if its a dish, or if you have a dog the rats will piss in the water Voules decese killer of other animals humans also. :eek: chocolate is also a good bait, if you catch mice and dont take them out of the traps the rats will eat them also. if you dont get the rat with a snap trap first time they will not go near it a second time, so change tactics. like bird table and air rifle:thumbs Laurie. DO NOT PICK UP BY THE TAIL WITHOUT GLOVES ON
bird table and air rifle is what I use, another method is a deep dustbin with some bait (meat) in the bottom and a gang plank from a wall they drop in and cannot get out, Rick
cheers guys. well, one snap trap was activated last night but no victim, im not 100% sure a rat activated it as the bait is untouched. The second trap has been dug around!!

so, tonight when I get home, im taking the roof off the run, removing the patio that covers what appears to be the main rat entrance to the run, and im gonna dig up the whole thing and whack Roland on his head.

My Rabbit is not best pleased with her new accomodation!
secure your traps with a length of wore as if they just get caught by the tail or one foot they will drag the trap away and you will loose it!

I set traps in pairs so with the confusion of them going off there is a chance they will blunder into the second one! :thumb2

very good advice about no touching rats dead or alive and keeping your pets stuff clean, rats carry diseases that can KILL!
Definitely Fenns no4 traps to kill rats :clap. If you want to shoot the little sods, bait an area with crumbled up Flake chocolate, so they can't grab and run, and sit and wait. Assuming you have a suburban garden, make sure you have a good backstop to prevent accidents, especially if you are using a full power (12ftlb) rifle. I use a 10 shot Crossman 1077 gas rifle, which runs at 6ftlb and gives you 10 shots if you miss with the first :augie. Poison will work but you run the risk of a very smelly summer if they die somewhere inaccessible :doh