racists thats me now

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Extreme, I have absolute sympathy with your plight and that is genuine.

<o></o><o></o>However lets put it in context where this thread has gone astray.
<o></o>I am English, I always tick the box that says other because theres rarely an English option. I That isn’t remotely racist, its my identity, its not derogatory and not offensive in the context used. The only reason I put English is because “proud to be a north easterner” wouldn’t usually fit in the box.<o></o>

<o></o>The bit where what could be perceived as open racism on this thread was shown here:<o></o>
well full of rag heads
but you all know that if we were from eastern europe or rag head country this would not happen, and if i was to mention this in a interview i would taken off housing list and escorted from building for being a racists, which i am

Lets keep it in straight. Nothing wrong with balanced evidenced evidenced debate about say housing policies.

Thats nothing at all to do with welfare , policies or political correctness. Just not being racist .

and none of them said by me. i wouldnt use those words and i am alarmed by the use of those words.
lets not forget my son is 20 and has an indian aisian look/ colour.
yes i worry about him with the current general feeling not just here but throughout the uk.
i worry somone will start on him for racist reasons ... even more now

but like i said we are british and proud to be. whats wrong with that.

im english too. but you aint allowed to fly your own flag there
the point is plank, yes it is down to government policy,
and where else in the world can you just turn up with nothing and expect to have everything else ( the luxuries if you like)that the rest of us have paid in for
ie free health service, freedom of speech, free government help when your in trouble.

this is something we have all paid in for (taxes) to create our safe society. and for centuries our countrymen fought in wars and gave their lives for us to enjoy our freedom .

so with this in mind i think its utterly disgusting that, i am not allowed to declare myself as british and those that are not not british
this is our country. and i for one will not surrender my rights

if our country was enduring the blitz today our country would be lost. because you would all be out there waving your white flags and surrendering.

our country is an island so therefor it is impossible to claim asilum here, because you would have to cross another countries border to get here. you can only claim asilum in your nearest safe country . thats a fact

now i dont object to our country taking our share of the people from around the world who need asilum. that would be a nice good thing to do.
however we are not playing on a level playing feild nor are we taking our share of asilum seekers. in fact we are taking the most
also if you are claiming asilum, you dont have a choice where you go . you go dirctly to your first safe country.

i dont object to people coming here immigration... thats fine if you can prove you can support yourself and your family... i cant just up sticks and go to australia the usa or even germany and when i turn up expect everything for free.

i expect to be homeless soon , due to the poor state of the construction industry and the massive influx of foreign nationals working here for next to nothing, they can afford to work for these stupid rates because they all share some house and dont have families here to support or they cheet the system.
so when i do become homeless. how many of you nice kind politicly correct people are going to open thair doors to me. when i turn up with my family
i will expect a roof over my head, heating and hot water. plenty of food on the table. oh and some pocket money will be handy too

i trust all of you people who dont mind giving my taxes to whoever wants it from weherever they are from. will kindly pm me your address or post it here. so i can expect my free ride............... or will you be discriminating against me.

extreme, no one has said you can't declare yourself British, this is just getting bloody silly now, you really are just doing this to wind me up, aren't you? surely no one is this obtuse without realising it?

I am English, I am happy and proud to be English and accept that England is part of Britain our wonderfull nation!

I am not defending assylum policies, or immigration policies, or anyhting, I am just objecting to racist terms including 'rag head' and pajorative ethno-slurs statments like 'they are not bloody british'

Your just missing the point, and/or arguing for the sake of it!

Im leaving this now, I have fullfilled my moral and profesional obligation to challenge racist statments and behaviour, and tried to explain the error of this thread in those legal and moral terms. I have done my bit i'm not getting into it any further!
If there was no British Empire, a lot of what is going on would not be an issue. It's kind of like the British Empire in reverse, foreign nationals realise they can profit by going to another country and milking it as much as they can and either settle there permanently and continue making more than they could in their own country or bugger off home after a time with bags of loot.

Hit the nail on the head....whether we like it or not we live on an island that once had the worlds biggest empire bar none, and spent several hundred years pillaging half the countries on the planet and living it large.....that kind of puts these people on the moral high ground.

So the fact they see fit (and in many cases have the right) to come here is one thing. The way the government handles them when they get here is another, and you have a vote to deal with that as you wish. Even if, for example, a few BNP MPs were to be elected, it would send a message to the government to change its ways or carry on at its peril.

You can't generalise as there are plenty of recent immigrants here doing jobs that Brits wouldn't touch with a bargepole, although of course there are lots of other dependants and black-market workers not contributing, but its not their fault a lot of the time.

My mother was born in Karachi (pre-partition, so when it was in India). Despite that I'm not offended because people are entitled to their opinions. But a site like this isn't the place to be giving them in the terms that have been used. I thought I joined a bloody car club????
Lacroupe, your Karachi connection reminds me of a tremendous Gentleman I had the pleasure in fact honour of meeting.

He moved to England many years ago from India and made a success of his life.

He was a victim of a burglary and when I was getting details from him, even all that time ago, self declared ethnic background was required on the paperwork.

He very proudly gave his as British Indian :thumb2 I'd neve heard that description before that and was most happy to put it on the form for him.

It was his birth along with chosen allegiance and culture.
Lacroupe, your Karachi connection reminds me of a tremendous Gentleman I had the pleasure in fact honour of meeting.

He moved to England many years ago from India and made a success of his life.

He was a victim of a burglary and when I was getting details from him, even all that time ago, self declared ethnic background was required on the paperwork.

He very proudly gave his as British Indian :thumb2 I'd neve heard that description before that and was most happy to put it on the form for him.

It was his birth along with chosen allegiance and culture.

I forgot to mention, her name was Myfanwy.......:D

Her mother was a geordie from Wallsend, working in her parents 'immigrant' teashop in Karachi and her father was as welsh as rarebit, serving with the occupying british army.....hmmmm. a bit of irony there methinks...
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Excellent , our family is from not too far from Wallsend and theyve moved all over the place (I think I've stayed closest) but not Karachi, is there something about Wallsend?? :D :nenau
I think that people are getting a little mixed up between immigrants and asylum seekers. Very different people!!

Immigrants (from non-eu countries) do not get dole. They do not get maternity pay,SSS, child benefit or tax credits. They do get NHS treatment free, though any i know have went back to their own countries when faced with serious treatment. They do pay their taxes the same as every other worker. If they apply for british citizenship then they now need three repeat applications of work Visa, that means they must be working for 6 years before they can claim the benefits that we take for granted. I have never known any immigrant to sponge off the state (though i have only worked with professionals).

Asylum seekers may be genuine or bogus. They inherently bring more problems with them due to the nature of the problems of their own countries. For some reason Britain allows asylum seekers to enter (perceiveably) unchecked. They will get benefits and social housing, over and above other western countries, which is why they bypass france etc to come here. Whether we like this or not, it is not their choice - this has all been decided by our government. Their policy has created this problem.

I have no problems with immigrants whatsoever. I am wary of asylum seekers - why do they need to flee their country??? murderer, rapist etc fleeing inhumanitarian wrath???

If they work, pay their taxes and abide the law of this land then they should be treated the same as anyone else - no better - no worse.

Excellent , our family is from not too far from Wallsend and theyve moved all over the place (I think I've stayed closest) but not Karachi, is there something about Wallsend?? :D :nenau

No idea but my mum always said I shouldn't bother to go back as the family up there was distinctly dodgy....don't know how so I might have a little peek sometime!

But one place I always wanted to go is Bamburgh Castle...just like the location (or maybe too many repeats of El Cid???):lol:lol
No idea but my mum always said I shouldn't bother to go back as the family up there was distinctly dodgy....don't know how so I might have a little peek sometime!

But one place I always wanted to go is Bamburgh Castle...just like the location (or maybe too many repeats of El Cid???):lol:lol

It is lovely, been up there quite a bit. Isnt it Bamburgh that was used for Harry Potter? I really dont know :nenau

Theres Alnwick, Tynemouth too all worth a visit :thumb2
I'll do you a cuppa if you travel up A19 way, if we're up there with the van again it'll be a barbie :thumb2

same goes, if you fancy diverting into Wales on your SW trip you're welcome to spend a night or two here by the River Towy
- dig your own latrine but its free! LOL

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