Racism in Britain today.

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Mar 14, 2006
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Debate: so who thnks this is a good thing, for the sailor or for the lads whose lives have been ruined by the legal action that followed?

Case Study: Indian sailor died after attack by gang of 20 youths

Gregory Fernandes, a 32-year-old sailor from Goa in India, was walking back to the cargo ship he worked on in Fawley, Hampshire when he and a friend were set upon by a 20-strong gang of youths. It was October 2007. Mr Fernandes was his family's breadwinner. A passerby broke up the fight and drove Mr Fernandes to his cargo ship, but he dropped dead from a heart attack.

Police concluded that the attack, which took place in a normally quiet backwater of Hampshire, had clear racist overtones. The gang had been shouting "Paki" during the assault. In January 2008, the Fernandes family expressed concern at the police investigation and the failure to charge anyone in connection with his death. Three young boys were later charged with his murder. At their trial in February 2009, the three admitted lesser charges of manslaughter. In March 2009, Stephen Pritchard, 18, Daniel Rogers, 18, and Chay Fields, 16, were sentenced to six-and-a-half years. A 15-year-old boy admitted GBH on Mr Fernandes' friend and was given a 12-month detention and training order. Another 15-year-old who admitted assault was given an 18-month supervision order.

source: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/racist-violence-migrates-to-the-country-2010997.html
i dont think its a good thing but i do belive it will become more common.. its been known for pakis around here to drag people in to cars off the side of the street and beat them for no other reason than there skins a different colour..

can see this topic running a few pages

i forgot to add.. it cant be good for the sailor as hes dead nor is it good for anybody to be in jail but hey they deserve all the jail time they get..
violence breeds violence
i dont think its a good thing but i do belive it will become more common.. its been known for pakis around here to drag people in to cars off the side of the street and beat them for no other reason than there skins a different colour..

can see this topic running a few pages

i forgot to add.. it cant be good for the sailor as hes dead nor is it good for anybody to be in jail but hey they deserve all the jail time they get..
violence breeds violence

But he wasn't violent, and he wasn't from Pakistan :doh
Racism shows an extreme and unpleasant lack of intelligence IMO.
There are plenty of things to judge a person on, colour of skin is not one of them.
but what about the other side coin asian gangs kidnap rape vunreble teenage girls gangs pakistani suicide bombers my mrs cousin set upon in own flat by gang asians who called him white trash etc etc i for one would pull our troops outve forein lands let em kill each other use them to protect our borders keep undesirables out and in eg football hooligans etc
But he wasn't violent, and he wasn't from Pakistan :doh

most cant tell the diferance from a paki/indian of srilanken sorry but it seems to be black or white..

he wasnt violent but nor are the lads what have been draged in to cars around here... were back to black and white again im afraid..
Debate: so who thnks this is a good thing, for the sailor or for the lads whose lives have been ruined by the legal action that followed?

Case Study: Indian sailor died after attack by gang of 20 youths

Gregory Fernandes, a 32-year-old sailor from Goa in India, was walking back to the cargo ship he worked on in Fawley, Hampshire when he and a friend were set upon by a 20-strong gang of youths. It was October 2007. Mr Fernandes was his family's breadwinner. A passerby broke up the fight and drove Mr Fernandes to his cargo ship, but he dropped dead from a heart attack.

Police concluded that the attack, which took place in a normally quiet backwater of Hampshire, had clear racist overtones. The gang had been shouting "Paki" during the assault. In January 2008, the Fernandes family expressed concern at the police investigation and the failure to charge anyone in connection with his death. Three young boys were later charged with his murder. At their trial in February 2009, the three admitted lesser charges of manslaughter. In March 2009, Stephen Pritchard, 18, Daniel Rogers, 18, and Chay Fields, 16, were sentenced to six-and-a-half years. A 15-year-old boy admitted GBH on Mr Fernandes' friend and was given a 12-month detention and training order. Another 15-year-old who admitted assault was given an 18-month supervision order.

source: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/racist-violence-migrates-to-the-country-2010997.html

plank. for someone who wanted to change the topic in our other thread, it seems a bit strange that YOU should start this thread, are you an activist?? because it seems as if you want to stir trouble, if you are against racism why start this thread, all you will do is upset the racist, like me, and then i will let you know the truths of while im a racist,. ok rant over i wont bite on this topic. :thumb2
if immagrants came here with a spesific skill needed by this country no one would realy care but when they bypass other countrys to get onto our easy going system and then crow about how hard done by they are and need sharia law p*ss off back to whence you came.
i have never voted as dont see a difference in the lying bstds who i have the choice from but if bnp fielded a candidate i and 99% people i know who never vote would vote due to this one isue.
racisym just a form of free speech dont see it any different as being called fatty,baldy or ginga etc sticks and stones!
maybe we should campaign to get law changed so that calling somebody fat,bald or ginger is illegal all are able to cause pain and anguish so i dont see how they are not illegal,just shows how stoopid the law is!
maybe we should campaign to get law changed so that calling somebody fat,bald or ginger is illegal all are able to cause pain and anguish so i dont see how they are not illegal,just shows how stoopid the law is!

well maybe that will comfort the family of the man in the story i posted, they can stand and cheer while a gang beats a fat ginger bloke to death :clap
i would not differentiate,if you were a fat bald ginger chap and were harrased constantly would you not feel the same hurt as a coloured chap called a paki or nigger or something simlair of course you would but it does not atract the same atention my case in point is poor woman who felt it nescery to set fire to her car with her and her disabled daughter inside it after recieving no help from police ,im betting if shed been anything other than a white english women police wouldve been queing up to help.
a major difference of course being the law :thumbs

the laws the law but it cant change the way we think.. i dont chose to dislike paki's and hate gays but i will always be thinking like that.. you just started this thred to cause trouble.. ya tit
the laws the law but it cant change the way we think.. i dont chose to dislike paki's and hate gays but i will always be thinking like that.. you just started this thred to cause trouble.. ya tit

my thoughts exactly larson,
the laws the law but it cant change the way we think.. i dont chose to dislike paki's and hate gays but i will always be thinking like that.. you just started this thred to cause trouble.. ya tit

and thats the crux of it; I suspect peeps are not as 'racist' as they think - its more about the ways that some people take the pi55 out of the system that pee them off.

I mean my daughter has been going out with a muslim lad for over two years now and you wouldn't meet a nicer bloke. His dad has three of the best indian restaurants in the UK, pays lots of tax and is also a decent bloke.

On the other hand, my sister once married an illegal immigrant Kurd. He stayed til he got his passport (while working tax-free in a kebab joint), then divorced her and brought over a girl he married, she still doesn't speak a word of english and they have subsequently, depite him having a well paid full time job now at the Mini plant, got themselves a nice little council flat, all done up at the taxpayers expense, probably denying someone born and bred in this country who could have used it.

Apparently she has to pass an english exam soon or they will send her back home :)

and of course we all know good and bad white folks as well.

But at the end of the day its down to the Home Office and how it decides to manage the issue, and as long as there are free handouts to be had, they will keep coming.

Every time I come back from France through Paris - and I did again last week - I pass a dirty great shanty town full of the buggers - it makes my blood boil to know they'll soon be claiming my tax dollars....and often they are wandering loose in the port area trying to cadge a lift under the back of the trailer.:doh
there are some members on here that should visit that shanty town, i reckon they would get on well,:lol, not for long though.:augie:thumb2
one thing confuses me , if the bnp/edl et al are so popular and hold the views of the majority of the country ..... why are they not in government ? ..... could it be that the majority of the population dont agree with their policies ? .... surely not :eek:...... or maybe they dont have enough confidence in fielding a candidate ? :rolleyes:....or perhaps they dont support democracy ?

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