Poor Repairs

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Well no phone call with an update, my truck is outside in their yard for the night. Will give them a call tomorrow afternoon and see what the state of play is.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place :doh it's disgraceful workmanship and why should you spend time and money rectifying it. But, how can you trust them again? :nenau
Is this garage registered with any oversight organisation, or purporting to work to any recognised standard...ISO or whatever, or just a local guy...:nenau

If so then surely, a complaint can legitimately be made for recompense....?
Re the sheared bolts on the top ball joint, why ever to try and remove these unless the joint is being reolaced as they are a most likely shear point, why on earth did they not just crack the taper, so easy, Rick
:eek: I'm shocked uncle rustic, and encouraged :D, yer in, byob :thumbs
When you have owned a car for over 22 years, I hate to see fellow member's cars abused in this way, for the same reason, I hate to see one of ours getting scrapped, but then it does release second hand parts to the market to keep the rest of us going.

Last year I made the mistake of getting the local garage to do an oil and filter change, I had all the parts, inc a new fuel filter, but with my condition at the time, I could not physically do it. I think I could do it now, but 10 minutes at a time and rest in between.
They spilt that much oil it was everywhere, in the undertray, on the chassis, down the side of the engine, I was too ill to argue, but the Mav was overdue, time wise for an oil change. So more engine cleaner and soon sorted, but I won't go there again. I chose the garage, as it was in the village, they restored classic cars so understood how important looking after older cars was. The owner also ran a Terrano for a number of years, so understood the mechanics.

A lot of boxes ticked, but I am just too picky...:doh

Not too picky, if they couldn't be bothered to go get the funnel off the shelf what else would they miss. Funny you should write that my dad does the same thing for oil changes and yesterday was this years change, after 4k miles it was desperate for a change :lol He goes to halfords to buy some good quality oil and a filter then books in with a local garage which has a waiting room with a large window through which he can watch the work being done while he waits, good for another 4k :lol.
It's an 1800 petrol engine and he said he got the oil changed this time because "ìt started to look dirty" :eek: that is compared to fresh oil, just to clarify, the oil was still a golden colour but slightly darker than new, the luxuries some people have eh :lol
Quick Update

On way home went by the garage and could see my truck up on the ramps, at least it's losing him money now as itllbe stuck on one of his ramps.

Called him after five as I had not heard anything and spoke to a young chimp. He came back to the phone and said the owner of the garage is going up to Thornton Breakers because they have the part they need but one has abs and one doesn't so he's going up to check it. So how long is it going to be, off he went and came back to say the owner will call me tomorrow. To be honest I'm not expecting it back this side of Friday.

Wish I had not seen this bloody truck now, I know it's not the truck just peed right off.
What have trading standards said?
And don't forget that he has to fix it in a reasonable time that's acceptable to you. So he can't drag it out.
Not bothered with trading standards, I'll just be glad to get the truck back. It's due MOT beginning of Aug so will replace arb's as they're gone and take a look at brakes. Once MOT'd I'm thinking along the lines of selling it. Just left a bitter taste for me to be honest.
This is just not acceptable service! These monkeys need shutting down :rolleyes:
Hope you get it back soon mate :thumb2

I saw a program yesterday "The sheriff's coming" there was an unpaid court order against a garage for damage and dangerous work by a local garage to a car.
It went to court and substantial damages were awarded to the car owner, but not paid, so in go the sheriffs and bingo... monies paid. Garage named and shamed.

I still think you should have called in the authorities, on day 1, now they have the car back, they can hide all the bodges they have done, and they will have gotten away with it, ready to scam again, and in the mean time, they have deprived you of a working vehicle, for several days.
They are also fitting second hand parts of unknown origin, with probably a 10 minute warranty. Well their last job lasted about 10 minutes before catastrophic failure.

I would like to see what they are willing to put in writing to explain their poor workmanship, and what they have put in place to make sure this won't happen again, and what exact work they have done to your car to rectify their error.

But I wouldn't hold my breath on that one, but I bet that a main Nissan dealer would probably do that, especially if you asked on a busy Monday morning at check in time lol.

Uncle Rustic
It gets worse.

Garage has just phoned to say they can't get the stub axle and other parts. Apparently the 3.0 litre is different to the 2.7.

They've now asked if I can get the parts
i would refuse to do it jim then they will have to get nissan parts and also you will need compensation for being without a vehicle may be time to call in some authorites to help if you supply the parts then if anything else happens they will blame the parts you supplied i would give them a dead line to get it fixed by or you will take it further
i would refuse to do it jim then they will have to get nissan parts and also you will need compensation for being without a vehicle may be time to call in some authorites to help if you supply the parts then if anything else happens they will blame the parts you supplied i would give them a dead line to get it fixed by or you will take it further
Jim, we've always admired your can do attitude and fortitude, but I, and I think quite a few others on here, really think you've been as reasonable as you should be.

This really has reached the point where Trading Standards or VOSA should be brought in. I realise that you just want it over with, but if you continue being reasonable I think you're just going to get shafted again, and what is worse, the next person may not be so lucky. You're a good bloke and I know it'll be more grief, but you're also a man with a conscience and I'd hate anything to happen to someone else and you have to deal with the guilt.


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