Parking tickets

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The Patrolman

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2009
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Hi All,
Anyone had a Penalty Charge Notice ever!!!!
In my recent war against the council I am waiting for a reply on my apeal against another parking ticket.

These usless Cnuts at the council think that everyone they issue a ticket to will pay, or they will take them to court.

This doesnot have to be so!!!!!

If the road markings are not correct to the millimetre as prescribed in the "Traffic Signs and General Directions which came into force in January 2003 specifically Schedule 6, Road Markings, Diagram 1028.4a ‘Alternative types of parking bays reserved for permit holders’ and 1032 ‘Parking bay marked with individual parking spaces’. " The charge is a contravention to the schedule and so not enforceable!!

Basically any road markings that are not intact and correctly marked are NOT enforceable. If the council can not maintain the road markings the they cannot issue tickets at those locations.

Where I live they introduced a residents parking scheme in Nov 2000 and till now they have been incorrectly marked..........So under the freedom of information act I have asked the council to inform me of the number of PCN's that have been issued in this Zone scince the introduction of the scheme.
I have had at least 4 that have not been paid. I will campain for re-inbursement of all these illegal charges to be repaid or donated to charity.

If anyone needs any info to claim back charges let me know and i can provide template letters etc!!

We pay Poll Tax for these scroats to provide services, we pay their wages, they should provide a value for money service. Not sending 'Comunity protection officers' to enforce parking restrictions on a 95%empty street at 11AM when there are only 6 cars on the street and 100+ spaces.

Sorry Plank but it also gets my metaphorical goat that these people in unelected positions of authority can dictate to us tax payers when and where we can park, how many visitors we can have, how much rubish we can put out etc etc!!!

If you need any info let me know, I have had the council back down at the last at the 'traffic penalty tribunal' and a full refund was given - no letter of apology just a cheque.

im with you on this matey, i too am at war with the council, but for lesser more petty things! They really piss me off, and I feel very much there is a large portion (not all of course) that are work shy tossers.
Today I called the cuntcil to find out why they haven't replied to my 'Online challenge' and it is with the "Policies department"... So me thinks they are having some sort of a r s e clenching moment!!!
This may be to do with my request under the 'Freedom Of Information Act' wanting to know how many tickets have been issued in this zone for parking contraventions scince the p iss poor scheme was invented in November 2000, as the lining has not been enforceable scince the system was introduced!!
In this case I think that I may be slightly delusional in thinking that two departments may be able to put 1 + 1 together and get an answerr less than 3...
But I will keep you all informed of my Vengance on those that spend my hard earned cash on pi ss poor scheme's that benifit no one but them selves!!!!
Today I called the cuntcil to find out why they haven't replied to my 'Online challenge' and it is with the "Policies department"... So me thinks they are having some sort of a r s e clenching moment!!!
This may be to do with my request under the 'Freedom Of Information Act' wanting to know how many tickets have been issued in this zone for parking contraventions scince the p iss poor scheme was invented in November 2000, as the lining has not been enforceable scince the system was introduced!!
In this case I think that I may be slightly delusional in thinking that two departments may be able to put 1 + 1 together and get an answerr less than 3...
But I will keep you all informed of my Vengance on those that spend my hard earned cash on pi ss poor scheme's that benifit no one but them selves!!!!

this is going to be sweet. they will be papping themselves now, because lets face it, its not the 2norm" to challenge authority to such a degree, not for them anyway, they wont get many issues liek this, they just act liek a dictatorship as and when it suits, so this will be a real headache for them!

keep at 'em!
I've had reply back, and the council have said that the ticket stands!!! So I have replied stating the last cancelled ticket that they backed down from. and the rules regs and attached photo's. If they do not give up this time it's off to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal again!! This is worth the £35 just to see them squirm and get them to admit that they are wrong in both cases.
My info about the number of issued tickets should be back from them soon!

Good luck to you, Steve! Lem 'em have it, mate! :thumb2 :clap
good luck, stick with it. their reply stating the ticket still stands is yet another one of their crappy pathetic tactics at trying to control the weaker population-its amazing, any old lady/old bloke would pay it, then be without heating for a week.

I had this with them when I claimed back about 8 years council tax (this is not the only thing, I have a big problem with the council). basically we live in a tiny 2 bed end terrace, off a right nice cul-de-sac in a nice area. the houses around us are BIG, some are mansions. When they did the tax banding back in 91, they didnt even come up our street, just assumed from the big houses they were all the same, so banded us a "B". I researched it, found we should be an A and battled them all the way to victory. Took about 5 months I think, got two refusals and statements saying I cant take it any furthur, but I persisted, called them over and over again, and eventually won. We got £800 back. SO, the council most certainly is NOT always right, and is NOT always working for the people it is supposed to SERVE. HA, and get this, we got in touch with the lovely old lady we bought our house from, and she claimed back money from them as well due to the mis-banding, brilliant!
I think councils in general seem to have a principle of get in what they can and hang onto it. Civil penalty tickets do have a (limited) place in the world but imho too many offences have been given over to them.

On the same principle my last set to with the local auth ended up me winning. My daughter was due to start tech college a few years back. The college decided that they didn't want to run the course she was signed up onto. To cut a long story short they said tough shit find something else .I said no, and after seeking legal advice, told them they were effectively in breach of contract as well as morally wrong. They eventually, after a long argument, backed down and paid travelling costs to send her on a daily basis to a much superior college 40 miles away :D which she loved.
Back on the subject of parking, I find it incredible how the councils bother battling on. If the markings aren't to a correct standard as well as distinct and unambiguous they're not enforceable. End of chat so why bother issuing a ticket in the first place :nenau

The only one to watch out for is Obstruction as opposed to contravention of alleged markings/regs. I'm not sure how many if any local authorities can issue for that.

If you get an obstruction ticket it probably may not be worth fighting. The obstruction is the perception of the issuer at the time and they should say why it was. If theres parking restrictions there ,enforcable or not , they coroborate the fact a problem exists.
bet its durham cc they are a law unto themselves. HOPE YOU WIN AGAIN
It's, Redcar & Cleveland CC, the county formally known as 'North Yorkshire'!!!

Daved, you are well right, if you park on badly marked restrictions youcan get off with it ( or on it!!) but if you put a wheel on the curb you are parked illeagaly!!