oh dear

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right i will pop the rocker off and see whats going on

now has this ordeal change the way i treat my car

er yes

i am starting to think that it isnt quite so fun to go fast through puddles to get the car as dirty as possible and i am starting to think play days are not realy play days they are days where you see if the engine is in good condition lol

i think once reapaired i will be going a little easy on the mav with play days lol

swmbo thinks i have been banned from going on play days as somthing always breaks lol but i like to play off road tho

she is trying to convince me that a galaxy, 806, merc 7 seater is the best option over another 4x4 and is now trying to sell the car to the neighbours lol

so i am on a fighting battle to keep the mav so we shall see who wins lol
From the video's I have looked and listened to, it is difficult to isolate the noise.

Have you eliminated the fan belts as if you hit water too hard it can wreck the fan/pump.

I can't see it doing any harm if you removed all belts, and revved it once or twice, after all it would only be water circulation that would be stopped it would take some time to overheat, but 10 seconds say wouldn't cause any problem.
What do others think... could it be this. Would be a cheaper fix if it was.

Just a thought, as not being able to hear it myself, any ideas would be good I guess.
The Mav is a very competant offroader and will P all over many other so called 4x4s:D
Trouble is , as you've found out, a little prep is best for Pay n Play days:thumbs
Lest they become the dreded Play n Pay days :lol
Snorkel is the way forward, in or out, then mucho mud fun to be had:naughty
Good idea Rustic, take the belts off for a quick rattle hunt. I suspect more internal fault though due to the smoke/fuel/oil coming out the back!
May have missed it if youve posted it already but what were the compression results :confused:

I'm still wondering about that mate... could answer the question as to whether the engine is fubar rather quickly....

Karl - thats what happens when you let your mrs have a say on the motor you drive... thats the one place I stand my ground or else i''d not be driving the Cherry and my mrs an old derv Primera!

Being honest I get away with it as she gets to take her girlies shopping in the cherry on Saturdays :rolleyes:
right found where all the blue smoke was comming from

this was nice and clean befor i put it on


every thing is on in the place it should be so what's happening here ???
Compression test is what I asked waaaaaay back:augie
Do it right and you can work out piston/ring failure or valve seat probs:thumbs
Test once on each cylinder, then do it again with a bit of oil down the bores. if the second reading is higher then you've got piston/ring issues:eek:
head gasket, as mentioned earlier, was ruled out due to water and oil being fine and dandy.
Ah that be oil blow back from the sump I reckon. It gets scooped up and stuffed back into the air intake before going back into the engine for burning. ISH.
So you could be pressurising the sump.................pistons or valves then:eek:
Ah that be oil blow back from the sump I reckon. It gets scooped up and stuffed back into the air intake before going back into the engine for burning. ISH.
So you could be pressurising the sump.................pistons or valves then:eek:

right would that have been caused by the breather being blocked then??

right got the rocker cover off and here is the results looks normal to me




woudl it be wise to turn the engine over with the rocker off or not

not done a compression test as they are not always that helpfull and as adz has said they can be wrong

also i dont have a tester and dont have acess to one so it would be down the garage job
If the head gasket had gone piston to piston, there wouldn't be oil or water mixing.
Compression test would show this but this wouldn't pressurise the sump though.

Hole in a piston? if you are lucky!

So on the intake stroke water is sucked in, both valves at the top shut, piston comes up and can't compress what's there but engine and momentum say piston MUST still travel up, so what is the weakesk link
Since it is water the piston won't have travelled to the top, so the crank will be at an angle, conrod at an angle, pushing up with a side force on the piston.
I think the piston would have been mangled from the bottom up, and is probably twisted allowing gas past. Only a guess but I try and think what is happening, as an engineer.

Could you fill the piston(s) with engine oil, say a measured amount wait a short time then suck it out see if any is left? Don't leave any in there or you will wreck the others. On Petrol engines you used to remove spark plugs when using redX then put a cloth over all ports and crank the engine.
Removing the injectors would be a similar thing I guess.
Or use a low pressure air line, through the injector hole, if the valves on the cylinder are closed and listen for any venting from the vent on top of the engine.

Compression test will help.
And a good garage should do it free if they want the repair work afterwards...

Also mate you could have cleaned the engine before taking the rocker cover off! Look at all the shite your getting into your valves! :doh
Comp. test is a bloody good indicator and saves taking everything apart. There's a very small chance of head gasket failure. YOU@VE got smoke. So it's got to be fuel or oil . From where remains to be seen. If the valves are not seating properly or you dropped a ring then oil/fuel will be off down the back.
As the cover is off I'd turn the engine over by hand as in checking tappets and see they all open and close properly.
If you start it up things will be a bit oily but no harm.
Hire/borrow a comp tester:augie
If the head gasket had gone piston to piston, there wouldn't be oil or water mixing.
Compression test would show this but this wouldn't pressurise the sump though.

Hole in a piston? if you are lucky!

So on the intake stroke water is sucked in, both valves at the top shut, piston comes up and can't compress what's there but engine and momentum say piston MUST still travel up, so what is the weakesk link
Since it is water the piston won't have travelled to the top, so the crank will be at an angle, conrod at an angle, pushing up with a side force on the piston.
I think the piston would have been mangled from the bottom up, and is probably twisted allowing gas past. Only a guess but I try and think what is happening, as an engineer.

Could you fill the piston(s) with engine oil, say a measured amount wait a short time then suck it out see if any is left? Don't leave any in there or you will wreck the others. On Petrol engines you used to remove spark plugs when using redX then put a cloth over all ports and crank the engine.
Removing the injectors would be a similar thing I guess.
Or use a low pressure air line, through the injector hole, if the valves on the cylinder are closed and listen for any venting from the vent on top of the engine.

Compression test will help.

if the hg has failed over 2 pistons then it would pressurise the collant as this is what happed when i went to ricks for the headgasket replacement

which i am not having

if the turbo is filling with oil this would loose me some pressure from it and as i am burning oil and the turbo is chucking up oil so it isnt atomizing properly ??????
or am i wrong here

the garages wont do anything free i went to them when my head gasket was gone and they said drive it till it breaks lol

oh wait i have done lol :eek:

right what should i see ?? every one go up and down ?
lol right just turned it over with out the turbo on and their is still smoke pouring out the exhaust also the inlet manifold was rekleasing smoke after ignition was turned off

but the car wouldnt turn over for the first 5 times but i then held the ignition in place and it fired up slowly and then it fired up fine

i have a vid of the rocker area and that is uploading

joe it is called a cloth lol
are the tappets set right ? look in the downloads section for setting .

we never did the tappets when we had the head off and 2 are a bit loose and always have been so its has always sounded like a taxi

the vid of the rocker
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/rk6irn5UrHk?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/rk6irn5UrHk?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

just to make matters worse the nocking rattle has now gone lol:confused::confused::confused::confused:

i hate this car lol
ah just thought the noise could only be present when the engine is warm ???

also i am going to check the air fiter pipe for oil as it could be the breather pushing oild to the turbo couldnt it ??
right the bresther is the culprit pushing up the oil to the turbo
the airfilter tube is covered in oil