Just a little bit update. This morning apart from I called out the garage to replace a flat tyre for my Scenic, I managed to open the plastic trim in passenger foot well.
Here's my finding;
There's one small black box where a few cables go in. It was screwed so I unscrew it and took it off. This is the connector;
and this is a suspect; Sorry I didn't take a picture when they are in place.
So basically what I found was that this little box seems to be making noise as I felt clicking vibration from it but any other place. When I touched, I felt this vibration so I assume this is the one.
Now I'm not quite sure if this box is a real cause or if this is coming from an issue of connection or something from the transfer box. Looks like this little box can be replaced easily (I might need to check the manual EL to see what this is for.).
I was quite tempted to start engine without connecting this bit but had a fear if it would break something without this box, I didn't test. But if this isn't necessary when I drive 2wd, then tentative solution would be just disconnect this if it doesn't impact....