agree if they are driving/spot lights then must kill with main beam to dip beam.
can see switch if over regulation 55w.
alternatively if they are manually controlled so fall more under fog light regs
then need a tell tale, just like work lights.
funny though with fog reg as my t2 had factory front fogs but no tell tale light
until twisted switch further and rear fog came on and its tell tale.
additionally pure front fogs, should need side light circuit on, as they are used
in stead of dipped headlights, obviously any twonk in a saxo is exempt from
this legislation.
front fogs have certain rules max height 500mm i think as have to be so close
to edge of car, spots have no restrictions, so even roof lights providing wired
to main beam are ok as long as dont use to distract others.
just beware that when go a 200w + of main beam to dipped it'll feel like
on side lights!