I don't think transmission wind up can really directly affect the clutch.
Basically, on an unmodified T2, there is a Diff in the front, so no cross axle wind up there, and at the rear, is the LSD, so that will break away to to stop Rear cross axle wind up becoming a problem. So on a T2, the only wind up that can happen is front to rear, via the prop shafts and transfer box, but there is no wind up between the transfer box and the gearbox, or engine, as that is just the normal direction of drive.
The only thing is, may be the snatching caused by the "wind up" suddenly unwinding as the wheel is forced to slip, and then re-gripping might have cause it to go, but I would have thought it was already well on it's way for that to happen.
I have never taken one apart, but when Ryan did his "Photo Expose" on the transfer box, I thought there was a large chain that took the drive from the rear to the front. I would think that would be the weakest link, but even then, if that broke, you would still have drive to the rear wheels.