So, after reading the positive sounding thread about duplicate keys I trot off to the key place near me to see if they can clone my one good key. 'No way mate' says the guy, 'that's a crypto key innit'.
Apparently my car must've been one of the first (late 98?) to have the rolling code added to the ignition system.
I have to take the car, my one good key and £42 quid to a key place out of town and hopefully they'll be able to sort it tomorrow afternoon.......
What a pain! Still, can't be trusted with only one good key so needs must.
Can anyone confirm that this crypto nonsense is correct?
Apparently my car must've been one of the first (late 98?) to have the rolling code added to the ignition system.
I have to take the car, my one good key and £42 quid to a key place out of town and hopefully they'll be able to sort it tomorrow afternoon.......
What a pain! Still, can't be trusted with only one good key so needs must.
Can anyone confirm that this crypto nonsense is correct?