Like :thumbs
Sounds a good idea, have a campsite as base camp for them that dont want to go offroading they can stop and chew the fat or take otherhalfs shopping,
meet up in the evening look at the photos on laptops etc. over a few tins:thumbs camp or go home after, or down to a local for food beers.
Laurie ash. it worked last time i took wife and Caravan, Ryan and his Dad camped. just needed a few more on site. off road sat and sun:clap
plenty of lanes around wales for standard trucks, Strata is pretty tame as long as your not stupid and it does not rain lots.
Also nant y moch is even more tame. Perfect scenery etc.
But I wouldnt mind travelling to west mids area
Most of the time when laning we stop and look at each others trucks anyway.
Laning is a must, also people who don't want to lane in theirs can go as passenger in peoples vehicle who do.
Why dont we all bugger off to wales :nenau
i'll say my view too then
what i want is to meet with folk, look at each others trucks etc, do some 4x4ing and genrally have a good day. the only problem i find is i'm a good distance from most of you all... so i'll be staying over night at the chosen area. It costs us a lot in fuel getting there .e.g if we went to wicksteed park. obviousely we are happy to traval, just not like a stupid mileage.:doh
i live here to give you all an idea on my travel:thumb2,+United+Kingdom&t=h&z=16
Id like to meet you guys and you trucks aswell. Id like to do some offroading with others as I don't want to go on my own in case i get stuck.:thumb2
they do
us wales lot meet up quite a bit, just we go home at the end of the day.
Laning with a pint to finish off the day. What more can a man ask for.
Mainly from jealous landies :lolBut you may get some light scratches.
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