my new flyer

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Aw, I thought there was going to be a bat in the graveyard :eek:
I'll have to draw one on myself now :doh
Good luck with the flyer:thumbs
You can get some stonking deals to put your flyer in the local papers too:rolleyes:
Thats looking really good but perhaps still a bit heavy on the reading :nenau

Something maybe to look at would be ditch the sentence that mentions "from our bespoke studio or at your own home or location"

youre duplicating that later when you say "packages start from......" and you mention studio and home which kills two birds with one stone because it fits in the price and mentions location which give the simple reader like me loads of info in less words :thumb2
Thats looking really good but perhaps still a bit heavy on the reading :nenau

Something maybe to look at would be ditch the sentence that mentions "from our bespoke studio or at your own home or location"

youre duplicating that later when you say "packages start from......" and you mention studio and home which kills two birds with one stone because it fits in the price and mentions location which give the simple reader like me loads of info in less words :thumb2

shut it. :lol
I write plans for a living at the mo. Local ones taken from national guidance. Hundreds upon hundreds of pages. But at the beginning of each one I make and put in place a brightly coloured flow chart featuring key points. Guess which one our well educated, top of the pile leaders follow? Not the big un, not even always the smaller local written word. Yup.........the A4 Picture version. Quick and easy to follow.


Thing is at the moment you have to read yours thoroughly or more than once to get the message. Thats not the ethos of a flyer. Its a quick read , quick inform. If someone needs a photographer they may make the effort, if youre hoping for the spontaneous job or a result from "ohhhh that looks interesting" you may not hit the mark.

Id also be tempted to bin the "formal or informal" bit too. When most people want a picture doing that phrase is completely irrelevant , they just want a picture so let your pictures on the flyer do the talking, max pics min words. If they dont like those pics which are there anyway it doesnt matter if you promise to do it for free and kiss their hairy ####'s , theyll not follow up.

Id also drop the "very best equipment" bit because if you go to the far end of a fart thats challenging and somone may think agfa paper is better than kodak or canon better than olympus, you wont have a problem but theyll have a negative thought, those need avoiding if you want the sale.

Use something innocuous like " we use proffesional standard equipment and materials" or use "premium" again because then the sequence of reading tells them firstly its all premium, then reminds them, then reinforces it so the key word theyll walk away with is "premium" after a very brief read.

Love the "we know....." phrase. Its dead cheesy but doesnt half hit the mark :thumb2:thumb2:clap:clap:clap:clap

Ive just spent the whole day editing a massive document (how to evacuate a town centre :doh:doh:doh) so thats it from me, off to the beach.

Good luck :thumbs
it's true, you have to stop somewhere or you'll be editing forever :thumb2

Not necessarily until some key points are sorted :thumb2

His living depends on getting the sale, artistic effect (which I am crap at so wont comment lol) is only half the battle.

Got to look at how to get and hold attention. That flyer would not make me buy at the moment, too wordy, I want key points like the header, thats bang on imho :(
I write plans for a living at the mo. Local ones taken from national guidance. Hundreds upon hundreds of pages. But at the beginning of each one I make and put in place a brightly coloured flow chart featuring key points. Guess which one our well educated, top of the pile leaders follow? Not the big un, not even always the smaller local written word. Yup.........the A4 Picture version. Quick and easy to follow.


Thing is at the moment you have to read yours thoroughly or more than once to get the message. Thats not the ethos of a flyer. Its a quick read , quick inform. If someone needs a photographer they may make the effort, if youre hoping for the spontaneous job or a result from "ohhhh that looks interesting" you may not hit the mark.

Id also be tempted to bin the "formal or informal" bit too. When most people want a picture doing that phrase is completely irrelevant , they just want a picture so let your pictures on the flyer do the talking, max pics min words. If they dont like those pics which are there anyway it doesnt matter if you promise to do it for free and kiss their hairy ####'s , theyll not follow up.

Id also drop the "very best equipment" bit because if you go to the far end of a fart thats challenging and somone may think agfa paper is better than kodak or canon better than olympus, you wont have a problem but theyll have a negative thought, those need avoiding if you want the sale.

Use something innocuous like " we use proffesional standard equipment and materials" or use "premium" again because then the sequence of reading tells them firstly its all premium, then reminds them, then reinforces it so the key word theyll walk away with is "premium" after a very brief read.

Love the "we know....." phrase. Its dead cheesy but doesnt half hit the mark :thumb2:thumb2:clap:clap:clap:clap

Ive just spent the whole day editing a massive document (how to evacuate a town centre :doh:doh:doh) so thats it from me, off to the beach.

Good luck :thumbs

But thats what senior management is all about; knowing nothing about nothing but sounding like thats not the case, hence the "give me a one-pager".

This version will please most of the people most of the time IMHO.
Not necessarily until some key points are sorted :thumb2

His living depends on getting the sale, artistic effect (which I am crap at so wont comment lol) is only half the battle.

Got to look at how to get and hold attention. That flyer would not make me buy at the moment, too wordy, I want key points like the header, thats bang on imho :(

and actually its nothing to do with the quality of the flyer.

its what he does with it, i.e. letterboxing it, leaving it at all venues, etc..etc.., so it can say anything really. The price would attract me, then I'd be happy to see he's got good kit, doesn't just do stiff informal stuff and so on....couple of pics and a handful of words WILL NOT HACK IT!
and actually its nothing to do with the quality of the flyer.

absolute rubbish :thumb2

pictures, interesting header etc gets them in.

concise presentation of the message keeps them

contact details involves them

theres more to what he is trying to achieve than a cutesy leaflet ;)

and thats before theyre distributed.
But thats what senior management is all about; knowing nothing about nothing but sounding like thats not the case, hence the "give me a one-pager".

nope, not remotely at the level the document Im refering to is shoved in. They need more than bullshit. The information im presenting to them as an advisor enables them to be a decision maker. Its that clear.

They need a summary to explain in a few moments what myself and others talk about from the big book.

The principle came out of the lockerbie enquiry amongst others :thumb2

The result of their decisions may help them stay out of clink or stay in a job on one selfish level ;)

One of the most interesting roles ive done in the job :thumb2and its a larf :lol:lol:lol
I think I'm sideing with the old bill here :eek:
I'll also put my spanner in the works at this point :augie
Header as is :thumbs Sub headings as is :thumbs
Then 1st contact no.
THEN the pics.
Then a revised blurb along the lines of Daved's idea.

Also while I'm here, what size will the flyer be?
As that may throw it all to cock again :augie

I used flyers to great effect when I had my surf shop, and quite honestly you just need "simple" and "to the point" stuff and pref a loss leader price in there.
For example £20 start point for a "snap" of your pussy :D:sly:lol
Then sell them up from there once they've called :naughty

Marketing next then :cool: