My maverick td

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About time there was some updates to this one!!!

Looking awesome as always matey!!!! :clap :clap

What up and coming mods have you got planned?
I haven't tbh dude, well not until it's been for its mot at the end of the month.

Needs 2 front wings and get the bonnet painted at the same time to get rid of the crap carbon wrap.
I want some reclining bucket seats but need to look into mounts.
Needs the door builds doing and the 2nd set of 6 5" components fitting.
Looking into a tunit box
I haven't tbh dude, well not until it's been for its mot at the end of the month.

Needs 2 front wings and get the bonnet painted at the same time to get rid of the crap carbon wrap.
I want some reclining bucket seats but need to look into mounts.
Needs the door builds doing and the 2nd set of 6 5" components fitting.
Looking into a tunit box

Yeah good man, get a ticket on it and then give it some more love when it's finished :)
MOT this morning so I gave it a bath so it looked nice

So it passed but not without some nice advisories. Couple of simple fixes and some welding :(

Managed to get the rear carpet and trim out and I'll do the front lot on Monday in preperation.

Also managed to fit the plug & play hid's to cheer myself up :D

Looking clean, what's the welding that needs doing?

Both front inner arches and around the front of the cill, both rears round the cill areas. The plan is to chop the cill out and replace with box section rocksliders and patch the rest up
Haha just doing the front arches and inner wing on passenger side at the mo but run out of gas until Tuesday:doh

Just watch out for the fires:eek: not done too badly so far so fingers crossed.
That's why I'm stripping carpet and trim out ready lol. If I tried to be clever and do it with it all in I'd have no truck left just a pile of ashes, just my luck :)
Yeah it's the sound proofing thats a pain, the thick stuck is fastened up to the bulkhead and ends up just pulling it down in bits. Then theres the thin tar based stuff thats a bitch too and don't even get me started on the seam sealer.

Me and my son took turns welding and fire watch but worst we had was a few flames near the torch and a little bit of smoke inside.
The more I dig the more rot I find that needs welding.

Bumpers mounts pass side, note the top one missing and the bottom needs work

Drivers side both need work

Passenger footwear has a lovely hole (bigger now I've removed the sound deadening).

Rear passenger repair from the previous owner that needs tidying

Rear drivers repair from the previous owner that needs tidying

Still plenty more to do and I'll get pics when I get round to it. Disheartening to say the least and I'm seriously considering breaking it.
Don't break it, a lot of that is what We've just done and not really that difficult to sort. I guess biggest problem is if it's a daily ride, obviously we were lucky in that respect.

I reckon the front cross member will be rotted too.

Good luck with it and don't lose heart, if we can do it you can too
Front cross member 'looks' ok, I don't fancy taking the bumper off as I doubt it'll go back on lol.
It's a daily and it's used to tow the horse so can't be off the road for long.
Need to get myself a welder and do it between work and horse shows which makes it worse.
And there's more.....
I knew the wings where about ready but wasn't expecting this, turned to dust as soon as I touched them.

Passenger is the better of the 2


I'm now actually dreading taking the bumpers off.
Well that's normal for the wings but I can understand you are disheartened by all this. I can now hand on heart say that all that is repairable I just wish you were closer to us. The rest of the car doesn't look too bad so I'd say do it.
Without removing the rear bumper I've found the rear passenger body mount area needs attention too.

All fixable, it is just metal and weldable, I have taken to using stainless plate for most repairs now as then you only need to rust proof the weld area, makes that part a lot simpler specially when on the inside of say sill section, and before you say it yes it welds fine with mild steel wire, and not much point in using SS wire as you still have to treat the weld area, I get hold of spent commercial fridges/freezers for the plate so costs nothing other than disposing of the rest of it Rick
If I could do it all in one hit I wouldn't be phased so much but because it's a daily and our only means of towing the horse to shows I'm limited on time.
I'm yet to get the bumpers off and see what's hiding behind them.
What sort of thickness sheet metal do folks use to plate/weld up?