lumpy running following death of a battery!

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Hello everyone :wink:

i wondered if the knowledeable amongst you could give me a pointer or two on what seems to me a strange problem with me mav :?

up until recently i have used the mav on a daily basis its a 2.7 TDI regd 20/04/98. I have had no problems with her mechanically at all (touch wood :lol: ) as i only work about 2.5 miles away on the odd occasion i have cycled in and left her standing.

Last week i excelled meself :smile: i cycled in three days running and left the old girl standing over the weekend too which was five days total. Due to the short trips and the battery being old it started labouring abit, so on the monday it didn't have enough in it other than a token attempt to turn the engine over :(

I replaced the battery with a good quality one as winter kills em off anyway (£65) put the battery on and PANTS! whirred over like a car with no petrol 8O Fuel filter manual pump was hard :!:

Anyhoo i bled one of the injectors and she fired up and after a bit of a game (being a bit of a porker) i noticed that the injector seat nearest the cab was bubbling slightly from the seat area. This is in hand and will soon be fixed.

what is confusing is it was never lumpy before... obviously the injector was not over tight before all this. Now its lumpy when its running and smokes (blue) on start up :evil:

Could it be time to replace my glow plugs as this seems symptomatic :?:
the thing is i dont know which ones to get. my engine number is VD55 and chasis starts WFOD can anyone advise me. thanks
Hi Damien.
My wife tends to be tempremental when she is neglected for 5 days too :lol:
Seriously: :|
Firstly, I can't claim to be a "knowledgable one" but over the years I have learned to slow down and let things settle down a bit before digging too deep.
Your loose injectors must obviously be sorted. You have a new battery so all is well there. Perhaps your ECU has gone back to basic settings when your old battery was dead so it may perhaps need some useage before it learns your car again. Also ; have you checked / cleaned your MAF sensor elements , they are a typical cause of smoke.
I can't understand why your glow plugs could be the cause of your problem. Surely they would not deteriorate by just not being used? If they were OK before the battery change they should be OK now I would reckon.
Hope some , or all of this helps :smile:
is it still lumpy when heated up?

I would also change the spill pipes between the injectors (flexi pipe) thats probably where the air came from?????

I would be inclined to run it for a while as Chaster has mentioned the ECU may compensate for this in time.

Get your injector sorted and take it from their mate.
Hi everyone :smile:

thanks for the response, On reflection the comments make alot of sense! The lad tightened up ther injector this evening with some special socket, he informed me that it had pinched up quite a bit 8O

This has improved things quite a bit but being the good mechanic he is he gave it the once over and noted the following points. The mav is putting out a bit of blue smoke on initial start up then just before the boost kicks in and if its revved hard and then settles. Im not too concerned about this but we have noticed what seems to be some hesitation almost what i would describe as a blip when you accelerate :?:
maf sensor is shiney as a new pin, and if disconnected the things as flat as a pancake :lol: Glow plugs seem to have been replaced but i dont know if they are the correct ones. :?

Turbo has a very light bit of movement on the induction vanes by this i mean if you hold the retaining nut on the turbo fan it moves a little up and down but not in and out. No signs of oil inside :smile:

son contemplated that this movement might be coincidal with the blip if the movement is allowing the vane to touch the casting? anyone confirm this through their own experience? and can they be reconditioned :?:

finaly it seems underpowered low revs now! could this be the ECU has reset to default? or dreaded turbo death!!

Thanks alot for your comments your invaluable :wink:
Well mine also kicks out a bit of blue smoke but does'nt seem to be using any :? I had a bit of a flat spot until I took out the banjo bolt on the fuel pump & removed the mini filter which got shot of the flat spot & power did seem to increase :roll:
It is perfectly normal to have a small amount of movement in the turbo even a new turbo will have a little movement. If all is dry with no oil I would disregard the turbo as a problem.

The Blip as you describe it, is a fairly common problem when free revving and is often accompanied by a bit of white smoke and nothing to worry about.
Hi again Damien.
Glad to hear things are improving :smile:
Would have thought that any contact between turbo fan and its housing would make enough noise to let you know about it and if the play were bad enough it would catch on the housing when rotated by hand. Did you check this up and down play when it was cold or hot ? Might take-up when hot. It's surely a sign of healthy bearings when there is no oil in there.

The point made by sweety about the banjo mini-filter is definately a good one .
Regarding the "blip" , or hesitation; does your accelerator pedal move smoothly ? I once had really jerky acceleration because of the fly-by-wire sender being sticky. A good dose of silicon spray cured it --- just a chance but worth checking I think.

If you were running OK (and you said you were) before the battery change there's a good chance that things will settle down eventually before you chase any expensive theories.
Good luck. :smile: :smile:

PS Have you checked the EGR valve? It seems to be a common cause of smoking. Search the workshops and threads for any info about this. There's lots there to read if you haven't already.
I'll just point this out before you start looking.
NOT all TDI T2/Mav's have a mini filter and some don't have an EGR valve, mines had neither on a 98 R plate. :smile:
gego said:
I'll just point this out before you start looking.
NOT all TDI T2/Mav's have a mini filter and some don't have an EGR valve, mines had neither on a 98 R plate. :smile:
Thanks gego :smile: I should have pointed that out :oops: I you do have a mini filter fitted it's fitted into the banjo bolt it's self
Thanks for all your replies folks :wink: ... i must admit im starting to regain my confidence after a moment of panic! :lol:

Ive read with interest the thread on the mini filter and as suggested my mav doesnt appear to have an EGR or the pump with the mini filter... i went to do this some time ago after reading the info when i first bought it and was dissapointed to find mine was different than the download pics :cry: but now im aware it might be in the union / banjo ill take another look.

One thing that was brought out in conversation is that the hessitation might be due to dirty injectors or a residue build up in the injector nozzles 8O Its been suggested that the build up might be affecting the nozzle spray pattern and when accelerating hard the lack of power is more obvious than under light acceleration when its quite responsive. Ive been advised to have them done properly by specialist ultrasonic cleaning and then a regular DIY tank adative.
There is a chap offering services of this kind on fleabay £6.00 per injector and £11.00 postage 2day turn around

Any thoughts on that anyone :?
Dribbling or badly spraying injectors normally produce black smoke from the exhaust because the fuel is not atomised and subsequently not burnt correctly.
A good dose of fuel additive should clean off any minor carbon deposits but if your going to have your injectors serviced I would advise that you have them done properly, this will nearly always mean fitting with new needles and nozzles along with recalibrating. Ultrasonic cleaning is mainly for common rail injectors.

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