Just taken a few days of from work to get a couple of jobs round the house done,wizzed through them so turned my attentions to are terrano service parts in hand first job air filter simple enough even for a diyer anyhow the last garage who serviced it must have had workshop full chimps as they installed the air filter in its polly bag 8O :lol: they did pop a few holes in it first though.
Anyhow now got to the bottom of the clutch pedal prob bought some new plastic bushes from my local nissan dealer set about stripping the bottom part of the dash out so i could get at it properly instead of laid on yer back with 8 pints of blood in ya turnip,and once i had some lighting in there the prob became very obvious the pedal box that the clutch pedal mounts in has almost fell apart from stress cracks its broken up around both bolts that fix it to the bulk head so new one ordered for tomorrow morn so if you have a low pedal ya need to check this out,not read anything on here bout this so im asuming its maybe a prob that no one has found yet id put some pics up of the pedal assembly but as im a puter fool ill try and get the wife to do this later.
Right now its stopped raining im gona go c what else is wrong :roll:
Anyhow now got to the bottom of the clutch pedal prob bought some new plastic bushes from my local nissan dealer set about stripping the bottom part of the dash out so i could get at it properly instead of laid on yer back with 8 pints of blood in ya turnip,and once i had some lighting in there the prob became very obvious the pedal box that the clutch pedal mounts in has almost fell apart from stress cracks its broken up around both bolts that fix it to the bulk head so new one ordered for tomorrow morn so if you have a low pedal ya need to check this out,not read anything on here bout this so im asuming its maybe a prob that no one has found yet id put some pics up of the pedal assembly but as im a puter fool ill try and get the wife to do this later.
Right now its stopped raining im gona go c what else is wrong :roll: