Maf up date on my problematic maf !! The garage that I bought my terrano from have sent me a replacement sensor,this also does not fit the electric socket... So I've sent them pics, they've now told me that the maf socket on my motor is the same as one on a xtrail 2.5 engine!!!???? What's going on? Could someone along the way have changed the wiring loom?? The plug that goes into the maf only has 3 thin wires going into it... Any comments welcomed , rob up date on my problematic maf !! The garage that I bought my terrano from have sent me a replacement sensor,this also does not fit the electric socket... So I've sent them pics, they've now told me that the maf socket on my motor is the same as one on a xtrail 2.5 engine!!!???? What's going on? Could someone along the way have changed the wiring loom?? The plug that goes into the maf only has 3 thin wires going into it... Any comments welcomed , rob