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I passed my test in 2006 i was 21 at the time, my 1st car was a 1.6 16v escort, cost me £1200 in first yr, with limited mileage, tpft sdpc

2nd yr had 3 point and an at fault claim & limited milelage cost me £900, tpft spdc

3rd yr i changed to a 2.0 tdi (or what ever way round they go)vectra still points & claims £800, fully comp, 3rd party any car sdpc

4th yr 406 pug 406 2.0 hdi, £900, points & claims, tpft (at one point i had 7 points in that term), 1yrs ncd also had when pug was off the road seat ibiza 1.9tdi, same poilcy but went up to £1150! spdc

5th yr 406 pug 406 2.0 hdi £1200, 3 points, at fault claim, theft of vehicle not recovered (wasn't paid out either) tpft 3rd party any car, 2 yrs no claims spd

6th yr 2.7td terrano 2, 7 points, at fault claim, theft, tpft, 3 yrs ncd, 900 limited mileage sdp

changed to academy with 4 points one claim from feb this yr & the theft, don't accept no claims as u get club discount, limited mileage, sdpc £690 :thumb2
its taken me 6 yrs to get that low a quote & even now i got qouted for a 1.4 auto nissan tino with 1 yrs ncd £1200!!!!!
Me thinks the advice being given is falling on deaf ears
The quote for the t2 is cracking id jump at it you have to start some where and thinking you will get anything cheaper id dream on
I think he is expecting too much too soon. Driving lessons are expensive too.

Also not telling the full story :nenau