Lanes!(scottish side!)

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Don't think NERC act applies your side of the border. Will try and check.


Just had a look at the GLASS site - not sure if you need to be a member to read THIS

The pertinent bit is

Simplified Summary - Effect in England

all RUPPs have ceased to exist.
They are now all transformed to Restricted Byways (no exceptions - even if a BOAT order is outstanding).

NERC makes a big effect over most new RBs, dual-recorded Footpaths/Bridleways, and unrecorded roads; to extinguish MPV rights with immediate effect.

It is an offence under Road Traffic Act 1988 to drive an MPV over a new RB or a FP/BW.
As before, there is a defence of showing that public MPV rights exist - but that is now considerably harder to prove as most MPV rights will have been extinguished by NERC.

These changes do not affect BOATs or UCRs (shown as ORPA on OS maps).

How Joe Public might know all this I have no idea, most RBs will continue to be signposted 'RUPP', 'Right of Way', 'Cart Road', or not signed at all for some time.

As it is a de-facto offence to drive/ride a new RB with a motor, as it's always been for a FP or BW, the only advice can be NOT to do it.
Unless you have VERY good evidence both that MPV rights existed AND that they were protected from NERCs extinguishment effects.

Effect in Wales

The Welsh Assembly has passed the Statutory Instrument converting all RUPPs to RBs.

The WA yet to pass the NERCA extinguishing Instruments giving all the effects as per England.
No firm date known, perhaps November.

It remains an offence under RTA88 to drive on footpaths/bridleways and the new RBs, this can be defended with good evidence of Vehicle rights.

Effect in Scotland, Ireland, Man, etc

Act has now gone through in wales though I believe.

Regardless you're still probably on dodgy ground driving bridleways unless you know for absolute sure that its legal.
Oh! Well that'll be that then,so i can probably drive up to the border but then i have to turn back,or face the law!! I'm going to email Northumberland county council and Borders council to see what they say about it.
It's not looking good though :(
Damn good lane as well
. :( :(
hummingbird said:
Don't think NERC act applies your side of the border.

No, it doesn't. You cannot extinguish vehicular rights on RoW that don't exist. The National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 did not apply to Scotland. There are no Definitive Maps.

dinky said:
Find campsite will go for long weekend.

I know a good one over the boarders it's called Cosmic's back garden :lol: :lol: :lol: or there my drive but I think poor Jack would have is paws full with my 3 Russell's :roll:
Their is a campsite or there was one in Alwinton Northumberland Klenale Hall I think it's called which is very near to were these lanes end on the Northumberland side
I have found and emailed both councils to see what response,if any i get back.!
Not holding my breath though. :? :cry: