as above yesterday driving home from a w/end away,, terrano was running fine then this knocking started from the engine for a good 5 mins then went :nenauany ideas any one its a 3.0 di just now am alittle worried to say the least
can you describe the knocking noise??
well i can only put that down to me thinking it was sumit on the engine rather then the prop ,as it was knocking while on tick over while reverseing the caravam back on tick over , but when the speed was built up the nosie went ,and only notice the prop to day , and the state it was in , as it only started knocking as i was slowing down so i started thinking the worsted as any one would :augie as for the nosie on tick over just give me a slap head was thinking also and thinking the worst or could of it been a derv knock ,EGR :augiehow can the prop knock on tick,over &vech not moving?? royb:nenau
thanks for that should of taken a picture of mind to shown you guys was almost hanging on think a few more miles and it would of flung off it was that bad ,could of been nasty if it hadI had a similar problem with the front prop, see here:
The original (improved???) prop had no grease nipples, ended up replacing it with one from an earlier model with grease nipples....
your engine knocking would most probably be an injector squirting instead of atomizing for some reason, sticky needle bit of swarf from somewhere and then it cleared itself, I would not worry about it unless it does it again, then get your injectors serviced, Rick
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