Is it me !!!!!!

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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2009
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Well have been going mad all weekend !!(no comments there Plank lol)
I went to a Council meeting last week, when I arrived I was asked would I like a drink, I replied a black coffee. I got the biggest bollocking going, I was told that it was racist, I should of asked for a coffee with no milk.
Is it me, or is the country going down the pan fast. :rolleyes:

its a black coffee.

so, do you want a white iphone, or a black one?
do you want a black car, or a green one?
are you a black belt at karate, or a white one?

so, how does the colour of coffee, become even remotely racist? ok, so coffee is brown, but never in the history of england have i heard the term black coffee coming from some distant racist peice of history relating to slavery or what ever. Its just a term, the coffee is dark, and as the English language consists of short, easy to under stand sentences, black coffee is used to describe it.

the word black is not racist out of context.

im waffling....
No you are not, you are saying just what I was thinking, I am of the opinion that the lunatics are running the asylum !!!, and I agree black is a colour .
i tell you what, ima big softie, but if someone bollocked me and called me racist for ordering a black coffee, id go mad at that person. i mean, what an insult to suggest to someone they are racist for ordering a black coffee? we live in a world where folk dont have time to say "oh yes, id delight in a cup of coffee, minus the milk if you please but one lump of sugar (white) would be simply marvelous", no, we live in a busy world where you say black coffee please, no sugar.

or you say "chuff me, its pitch black out there" not "well I never, there appears to be a much lower light level in the night ski tonight dear"

oh please....we paid that person to bollock you!
I agree, the one that gave me the bollocking was a black guy, opps!! did I say BLACK ! I meant a person with no milk .
what a load of pants, the accepted and politicaly correct term for a a black person is 'black' as in the man you are looking for is black, my new neighbours are black. Will smith is black etc.

Is this a wind up?

why do we do this?
I agree, the one that gave me the bollocking was a black guy, opps!! did I say BLACK ! I meant a person with no milk .

ok, so, did he explain in detail why it was racists? did he list the historical facts leading to the present day that now make black coffee racist? Did he say what colour he sees himself as?did he consider to you, if a white coffee can be racist?

ahhh...its all balls. seriously, youll go out to buy yourself a nice new car, and you want a black one, except when you ask for a black one you have to say "id like a car please" what colour sir? " absence of light is my preferred choice"

what a penis.
i reckon one day all the bureaucratic nonsense will fade away. and we will go back to talking normally without folk getting all upset about ancestors and history they know nack all about...
getting dragged into some abstract rant about soemthing that is a fraction off indirect rascism and that has been diesigned to prompt people to think the worst. I'm sure it's just a wind up, no one made that comment, at a none exsistant meeting, like the Danish muslim thing. :( how sad.
it's all down to the PC brigade, and there's a few on here, this is happening all over the country and people turn a blind eye to it, when someone does have the guts to stand up for themselves, they are called racist. :nenau
I did tell some of my co-workers some who are black the story, I have to be honest,out of all my work mates , they went metal when I told them.They thought this guy had gone one step too far, even saying that that the country had gone PC mad. :rolleyes:
i was always told that there are 3 things you shouldnt discuss , .... religion , sex , and politics ..... thats knackered the forum up lol ..... anyone fancy a digestive ? :lol
what a load of pants, the accepted and politicaly correct term for a a black person is 'black' as in the man you are looking for is black, my new neighbours are black. Will smith is black etc.

Is this a wind up?

why do we do this?

spot on load of crap the pc terms are black white etc, they are there on back of government forms to state ethnic origin, etc.

typically saying coloureds that will wind folks up as more throw back to segregation
in the US.

other frown words are half cast, preferred replacement mixed race or dual heritage.

hey and i do know i was best man to my mate of black caribean stock, born in england
married a mixed race chineese/'english' bride. their kids are our god children and vice

think some anti anti discrimination types started they shite about can ' have black
boards / coffee etc etc. probably paid by some lunny left council in thatchers day
to wind us all up.

no normal person of any skin colour pigment leve would get upset.

lets face it its only when you start sterotyping, and prefixing wiht bloody or stronger
terms that it becomes racist.

good nignt
If this happened...

..., it only represents the views of one man. As Plank says these exagerations are used Daily Mail style to stir up the whole issue, to keep the topic going. You'd need to query the motives of people who post this sort of innuendo.

I've been in hospital today and been looked after by a team which included Polish, Spanish, English and Pakistani (Muslim) staff. I'm very pleased they are here...
The final word

I can assure you that I am not in a habit of lieing, this incident did happen.My point by posting it that it just shows you that some people take PC a little too far,I am far from racist, and take offence to anyone that even suggest it,. To quote one of my black work mates, the guy that pulled me has a chip on his shoulder the size of an oak tree.