Intermittent starting problem on 2.7 Maverick.

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2004
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Can we have another think about any possible causes of this bad starting problem that one of our members is having.

Posted on behalf of a member.

I have made enquiries before regarding a starting problem I am having with my Maverick, but whilst I received two responses to give ideas as to the cause of the problem, it still persists. The probelm is that intermitently the engine will not fire, yet at other times the engine fires first turn of the ignition key.
The glow plugs are working with the relay is clicking in and out. Does anyone have any other ideas as to the cause of the problem; could it be the engine control unit or the imobiliser system?
Nice one Toolbox,
Seems like another common problem, Falling apart and breaking up inside,
Think this ignition barrel one could be in the top ten of common problems.

Roders, Try doing a search in the past posts to see if symptoms are the same.
Not using the spare key are we?. The one which has no chip in it therefore immobiliser doing it's job?.

Just a thought.

sounds like the same kinda problem that i have. mine was fixed the last time by changing the fuel filter, maybe give that a go. i too thought it was the glow plugs, battery etc... after changing all the expensive bits it turned out to be the fuel filter!!!
dont know if its the same but had same prob on a 2.7tdi terrano and that was dirty fuse in engine comp box os inner wing [one of the 15 amp ones]
I had similar a couple of years back it turned out to be the switch on the back of the ignition barrel, there is a switch unit you can buy from nissan I think it only cost me about £18 at the time (maybe less)

but I had the same problems, sometimes would start other times refused.....when it got really bad the car would actually switch itself on !!! if the wind blew too hard.... I came out one very early morning to give an earful to somebody playing loud music turned out it was my Terrano banging out the tunes

I have not checked all the forums, but is the ignition switch problem more common with the TDI imobiliser versions?
Are there any problems with the earlier TD's 1993-1997?
Regards, Rustic
Had the same problem with our and that is also a 1997 2.7tdi.

Some mornings you would switch on the ignition and the engine would turn over but the dash would light up.

Fault was found in the end to be a combination of the aformentioned ignition switch which was knackered and also the starter was on it's last legs. One probably caused the other to go?

Short out starter solenoid with a crowbar etc. if you know what you are doing. If that doesn't work then swap both. If it does then just ignition switch ;)

I have the same problem with my 2.7 mav the only way i can start mine is to turn the key very slow Petcon