I loosend the fuel feed to the injectors today and turned the car over for about 5 seconds and no fuel came out. I then loosened the banjo bolt with the mini filter and pumped the primer pump on the fuel filter and diesel came squirting out at the banjo.
Is it possible theres an air lock in the fuel pump? Or would it indicate a problem with the fuel pump itself?
I appologise for all the basic questions but i passed my limit of mechanical knowledge a while ago with this one!
Oh no!!!! This sounds like another NATS problemSomeone else has had this recently I'm sure
What does NATS mean? It sounds expensive!?
A friend came round tonight &after a few battery charges we managed to get fuel to the injectors. The engine started relatively easily as well. We left it ticking over but it eventually cut out again started it a few times&it cut out every time sometimes as if it was running out of fuel and others it would just stop dead.
He took the sloenoid out of the fuel pump&removed to plunger to see if the solenoid was at fault however it cut out again with the soleniod plunger removed. I'm going to bypass the priming pump tomorrow to see if that makes a differance incase there is air getting in there.
Other than that am i looking at a new fuel pump?
sounds to me like it's getting air in somewhere if it starting then cutting out
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