If you don't beleive me we can meet up sometime and I;ll show you liquid petrol does not burn.You bring some, I'll drop a match into it, it will go out.
now drop a match in diesel and yes it will go out! but petrol :lol:lol:lol
if you do take some over scott, stand well back while he lights the match and take an eye brow pencil to draw his eye brows back on whe he is finished :lol:lol:lol:lol
like they say on Blue Peter, dont try this at home!
The idea of petrol vaporisong in before buroing in an engine is true, liquid petrol being safe enough to drop a match into is not, so dont do it, and dont, try puring it into a fire either as the flames track back up the stream and ignite the container, the flamability of petrol should not be underestimated!
in short, petrol higly dangerous and very flamable!
petrol vapour (from eveporation or atomisation) explosive and potentily even more dangerous!
last point as petrol so easily evaporates it is not possible to seperate the liquid from the vapour as where there is petrol there will be vapour!
On a cool day in a shallow container so there is no airspace above the petrol for petrol vapour to collect it can be done - but I was making a point as I'm sure you realised.
Brake fluid is actually the most dangerous fluid in a car. If you pour petrol on a hot exhaust manifold it will just evapourate, brake fluid will self ignite due to its low flash point.