You need a metre of Spill or Bleed off pipe, and make sure you get the proper stuff from somewhere local, as I bought some off of Ebay, and it went hard and started leaking in 4 weeks of being fitted. I got my second bit from the local motor factor, and it was less for a meter, than the 1/2 metre of useless stuff I got off of Ebay.
The only one of mine that had a clamp on, was the one that goes onto the pump, all the others were push fit only. I found that the pipe that goes onto the IP, is a junction off of the Bango that the main fuel pipe uses.
If you lift out the power steering reservoir (It just slots into the metal bracket, but is a tight fit), and move it to the front of the engine out the way, you can get your hands down to the pump easy enough. There is a 17mm capped nut that holds the Banjo on, and undoing that, means you can pull the pipe up where the Power Steering reservoir was to work on it. Do mind out for the 2 copper washers, one either side of the banjo as you do it. I removed the old pipe, and slid the protective sleeve off of it. then fitted it onto the new before fitting it into the banjo. I then used a flexible claw passed down from number one injector towards the IP, to pull the pipe up, and then cut it to length.
I did find that doing it with the engine warm really helped with slipping the new pipes onto the injectors.