im not racist but can you belive this

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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2004
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Maybe the burqa should be banned. She certainly hasn't done her religion any favours.

aca news Australia.

The woman In the burqa was pulled over by the police because she was a "P" plate (provisional) driver and the plates weren't displayed correctly.

He asked her for her license and asked her to remove her burqa so that he knew it was her license. She then accuses him of being racist and that the only reason he pulled her over was because she was wearing a burqa.

She then tells him he will be sorry and that she would take him to court.
Then she contacted the media and says that he was very racist and touched her burqa and she was intimidated by him.

However luckily for the policeman the police car's video camera was operating and it was all caught on film.
She has now been charged and supposedly is going to be jailed for 6 months and the judge said she was the racist one.

She has appealed aginst the sentence. Her solicitor is saying it wasn't her who made the complaint but someone else in a burqa and they are now saying she shouldn't go to jail as she has 7 children.

Here is the video:
Ditto with the non-racism...this sort of things gets up my nose bigtime and does no favours to those who do want to integrate.

Exactly the same as these scumbags on the telly that pull their hoodies up when they are dragged out of crashed stolen cars or pulled off some innocent victim they happen to be kicking the shit out of.

clearly the police man acts professionally, and doesnt do what she claims. im glad she got done, she is an embarrassment.
Hmmm,the burqa didn't seem to interfere with her having 7 children.I wonder if she wore it whilst giving birth."That's fine Dr Grope,you can deliver my baby but don't look at my face" !
Hmmm,the burqa didn't seem to interfere with her having 7 children.I wonder if she wore it whilst giving birth."That's fine Dr Grope,you can deliver my baby but don't look at my face" !

well there is an interesting aspect to one of the things the burkha hides, or rather not, as muslim women tend not to have any.......I'll leave the rest to your imagination and Mr Google.:augie
Just before Christmas some blokes, Asian I think, robbed a jewelers in Nottingham, the security guard on the door let them in thinking they were women wearing burkas.


I followed a lady into the tesco petrol garage wearing a full face veil, all that could be seen was her eyes.

I was wearing an open face crash helmet and the security (also Asian) stopped me and tried to refuse me entry. i pointed out that my face was more visible than the lady in front. - silence was the stern reply.

He still tried to refuse me entry to pay - until i told him i did not give a Sh@T as already had my fuel. he then relented and allowed me in
