I dont get it

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She's settled in to family life great:thumb2 she now settles down on an evening with us in the living room. With it being so hot I've leaving it until after 9 before taking her for a walk. A couple of nights ago we met a bloke with a black lab, both dogs played together nicely (a lesson there may be:lol) in the fields. At one point the dogs were right the other side of the field so I got the whistle out and gave her the command to come, the bloke was right impressed as she came straight across and sat in front of me:clap All he could get his dog to do was to look up at him and then carry on doing what ever it was doing.

Excellent :thumb2 sounds like she'll be a great dog to have around.

When our Jack Russell was knocking on (developed dogs equivalent of Alzeimehers) he lost the plot and had to be on the lead all the time. Before we realised he wasnt right it was very frustrating when he started ignoring us when we were out.

Again a rescue dog, the kids called him mouse because when he was little they said he had a face like one :lol

The pictures a bit blurry because it was grabbed very quickly but here he is acting his age...............................13 1/2 :cool: I hope I'm that active when i'm in my 90's :thumb2

Bonkers. :doh No need for it if he just kept himself in check occasionally. We had a fine day out with him when he came down.
the origanal thread was...

ive joined the new club:thumb2
i'm active on a few.
not bothered about who is where and saying what really.
have got friends on a few sites and want to keep it that way.
Did Sooty really say that? I thought it was Mr Punch:D

Jim T

Derrrr:doh:doh. You're right James! I forgot Sooty was mute wasn't he...! Oh the shame of it.....and there was me dancing along to Kathy Kirby this afternoon while pulling down the plaster in the bathroom:eek::eek: