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You've just put something back into the forum!


Thanks for that, I reckon that there's a few of us on here who were wondering how that difference in tax came about.


The first of many I hope....

Hi im new to the club i wondering if any body has hsd this problem of between 30mph and 60 mph the steering shakes and can fee a vibration underboth front seats any help would be gratefull
Hi im new to the club i wondering if any body has hsd this problem of between 30mph and 60 mph the steering shakes and can fee a vibration underboth front seats any help would be gratefull

I think you will find most votes will go for warn Prop Shaft UJ's, if you have already checked the wheel balancing.
Eyup Bash and welcome aboard. If yours is a truck built after 2000 then I reckon it’s likely to be you front propshaft. I removed mine until I got it sorted, it disabled 4wd but made the truck more comfortable and a relatively easy way to eliminate a lot of things.
The pre 2000 trucks had auto locking hubs so the front transmission did not turn all the time and also the UJs had grease nipples on to so hardly ever if at all gave problems. After 2000 nissan gradually moved over to fixed hubs which by their nature turns all the front transmission from the rotation of the front wheels so therefore caused more wear and tear especially UJs that no longer came with grease nipples.
I replaced both UJs on the front propshaft which didn’t fix the problem even though the bearings in the UJs were rusted out. My issue and I’ve seen it since was a sliding joint on the propshaft. Sadly this could not be replaced so I got a shaft from an earlier truck which fixed it. With mine I could feel movement and hear a small click when I reached under the truck and grabbed the shaft and shook it.

Good luck
haynes workshop manuel

ive been looking for a haynes manuel for my terrano 2gsx anyone got any ideas.
Hi Ron and welcome aboard. That’ll be because Haynes don’t do a manual for these trucks. Think there’s a download on here but you’d need full membership to have access.
Have you got a specific problem?
Anyone knows mechanic who can do this swap?


I have a question. Any of you people know the garage where they know how to do a swap in D22 from D22 engine to 2.7 TDI Terrano?

The best if it will be in North West.


I have a question. Any of you people know the garage where they know how to do a swap in D22 from D22 engine to 2.7 TDI Terrano?

The best if it will be in North West.

You're after Des and the gang at West Yorkshire Engine Services, top group of guys there and will always spend time on the phone with you talking the issue through!!!
Auto V Manual

I am a die hard auto driver but accept that it does often reduce the overall towing ability (weight) due to the extra load on the transmission when pulling away.

I have a question. Any of you people know the garage where they know how to do a swap in D22 from D22 engine to 2.7 TDI Terrano?

The best if it will be in North West.


Google Navara.net
Loads of help and advice regarding the engine swap.