How good is your heater?

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How does the pollen filter stop it heating up?
It blows air OK, just at the wrong temperature. It warms up eventually, but I have arrived wherever it is I am going first.
just put a new stat in peasgood, don't worry about 82, 88 or whatever, it won't make any noticeable difference. Make sure the rad's full of coolant (check the rad not the expansion tank) run it with the cap off and squeeze the pipe at the bottom slowly to get rid of any air in the system. Also squeeze the two pipes that run along the top of the engine, they go to the heater and can get airlocks in them easily. They should be nice and hot after running the engine for about 5 minutes. If they're not you might want to flush the matrix. Flush the rad too if you want, that could be blocked. When did you last change the coolant ?
just put a new stat in peasgood, don't worry about 82, 88 or whatever, it won't make any noticeable difference. Make sure the rad's full of coolant (check the rad not the expansion tank) run it with the cap off and squeeze the pipe at the bottom slowly to get rid of any air in the system. Also squeeze the two pipes that run along the top of the engine, they go to the heater and can get airlocks in them easily. They should be nice and hot after running the engine for about 5 minutes. If they're not you might want to flush the matrix. Flush the rad too if you want, that could be blocked. When did you last change the coolant ?

this man speaks the truth peasgood, just do it

by a way of comparison .... i had to thaw both cars out this morning .... my mistral took about 10 minutes to have a perfectly clear defrosted screen .... the disco took around 15 mins and still had some frost patches in the corners of the screen
I think mine would probably take half an hour before there was a tiny bit i could peep through. By time I got to the end of my lane it would have frozen up again.
de-icer is a bit of a waste of money, IMHO, I just pour water over the screen to clear any ice. Usually run it from the hot tap so it ends up warm, but cold works just as well. Screen wash with some sort of anti-freeze or de-icer in it is a good idea though.
talking of heaters i have found out why i get instant heat due to a ceramic heater bulit inside the system lol
talking of heaters i have found out why i get instant heat due to a ceramic heater bulit inside the system lol

more things to go wrong karl :augie , i love my mistral ... non intercooler , non fly by wire ..... brilliant :thumb2
more things to go wrong karl :augie , i love my mistral ... non intercooler , non fly by wire ..... brilliant :thumb2

thats the good thing about the engine in this althou it is intercooled it has no electrics and is mechanical :thumbs

althou inside their is every electronic thing you can think of

and all but 1 button works and that is the passenger heated seat lol also the heated seats are odd it heats the small of your back aswell, all the others i have had only heat your bum

While were on the subject anyone got any ideas on this one, my heaters are crap i have a 2.7tdi van type, i had a leak inside from the heater matrix so i changed it, still no heat, next i changed the thermostat and waterpump, flushed the engine block and radiator and refilled with coolant, still no heat, next i replaced the radiator and still no heat, the top hose of the radiator gets warm / hot but the bottom at best is just off cold, i thoght maybe too much air passing through so partly blocked front of radiator with cardboard but still the same, i have squeezed all hoses to make sure all air is out and i've thrashed it to within an inch of its life in every gear to make sure the water is circulating and still hardly any heat, it does however loose about a ltr of water if i drive it hard from the expansion bottle.
I would be greatfull for any ideas as im slowly giving up on the thing, i really enjoy driving it but its starting to do my head in,
mmmm intresting one..

id try

remove pipe to heater, ( small one of thetmostst ) and connect garden hose to it. remove rad cap ... turn on hose..

flush it all out.. and make sure no air in there....

i take it fan runs and the heater controls work ok??
While were on the subject anyone got any ideas on this one, my heaters are crap i have a 2.7tdi van type, i had a leak inside from the heater matrix so i changed it, still no heat, next i changed the thermostat and waterpump, flushed the engine block and radiator and refilled with coolant, still no heat, next i replaced the radiator and still no heat, the top hose of the radiator gets warm / hot but the bottom at best is just off cold, i thoght maybe too much air passing through so partly blocked front of radiator with cardboard but still the same, i have squeezed all hoses to make sure all air is out and i've thrashed it to within an inch of its life in every gear to make sure the water is circulating and still hardly any heat, it does however loose about a ltr of water if i drive it hard from the expansion bottle.
I would be greatfull for any ideas as im slowly giving up on the thing, i really enjoy driving it but its starting to do my head in,
Does the temperature control for the heater, cold to hot do anything, you should find some resistance as you move the lever, they can come adrift.