HID's ?

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I wondered when we might get back on-topic!

And I do believe they are "E" marked, so are they then "Legal"?:augie
Also as a matter of interest, if the insurance co. OKs them as a modification,then your legal aren't you?:augie
I hope so as they're on my wish list:D
One of the things widely reported in the press was that it had mismatched brake calipers side to side yet I am informed by a person far my knowledgeable on landies than I that there are only 2 types of calipers that will go on the relevant axles, vented disk or plain disk types - so who knows what they found. Hard to believe anyone would have vents one side and not the other.

Seen it on a Vauxhall Astra.

A reshell in the early 90's with a load of parts derived from a gte and other donors.

He crashed it and I was looking with the wheels still fitted to try and see what state the pads were in. Shalll we say the gaps were a bit obvious on one :augie

I'm not sure what he had on calliper wise as it wasnt my job and I dint go any further but I do recall in the 1980's they used the same or similar callipers across the range so it would be easy to do especially if you were willing to use donor pads too :thumb2
And I do believe they are "E" marked, so are they then "Legal"?:augie
Also as a matter of interest, if the insurance co. OKs them as a modification,then your legal aren't you?:augie
I hope so as they're on my wish list:D

If theyre emarked no problems if "to the best of your knowledge and belief" theyre genuine.

However con and use regs dictate the wattages etc. If you change anything at all on a vehicle and dont tell the insurance they can get quite uppity if they find out.

You may think its triv but if you dazzled somone, they smacked into you saying your lights were too bright the insurance engineer will almost certainly have a look see what youve got fitted. If they (insurance) decide your un notified mod was contributory to the claim. They almost certainly wont pay out.

Theres more than a few people been caught out by that.

However, a lot of mods with a lot of companies make no difference at all, they just like to know.

Whenever I have a non 4 x 4 car if it gets a bit old and all the shockers and springs need swapping together I ususally haggle a deal somewhere and fit a lowered handling kit, done it my astra, cavaliers and sirerras. Always declared it and never had any bother or increased premiums at all.
Agreed, that's what I was meaning re the insurance. I've not long renwed my policy with every little thing listed:thumbs
The boys in blue seem more and more interested in my truck for some reason:lol
One bright spark stopped me a few weeks back and said he wanted a word:eek:
Not with me but my insurance co:eek:
He rang them directly on the roadside to check with them if I had told them about "all these wheels and bumpers"mods etc!
So as I had he then got all cross and said he'll be keeping an eye out:(

Wonder what he will be looking out for :confused: Herds of wilderbeast sweeping majestically down the high street ?
Ah the mighty Flowery Twats :thumbs luv it :lol
I'd love to take a branch and rearrange a panda one day:rolleyes:
I think that's a bit strong......

One of the things widely reported in the press was that it had mismatched brake calipers side to side yet I am informed by a person far my knowledgeable on landies than I that there are only 2 types of calipers that will go on the relevant axles, vented disk or plain disk types - so who knows what they found. Hard to believe anyone would have vents one side and not the other.

However if HID conversions are now available E marked at sensible prices so be it - last time I looked the majority were chinese import of dubious repute - not so sure I'd trust marks on such products to be genuine though. Personally I use osram Nightbreaker bulbs, standard 60/55w H4s but +90% efficiency.

As for the lengths people will go to, many years ago, before camera phones, I was in a scrappy looking for some Granada Scorpio calipers for a Capri V8/cosworth disc conversion. I found a suitable doner (caliper wise) only the Vented discs were so rotten they had become detatched from the bell.......And then re welded to the bell using the MIG Pigeon SH1T method of welding.. The car was un-damaged !!!!!!!!!!!

Some People!!!!!!:nenau
I've got some 115watt PIAA bulbs in my spots but thought they were for "competition use" or off road:augie

Its only certain of the PIAA range that are E marked - they attract a premium price for some reason.Used to run them n the Mk1 cortina rally car I was involved with.
I'll have a spy at mine next time I clean the spots. Be a crime not to use them if they're E marked:sly They do dip and main too:D
Got them out of circuit to be on the safe side at the mo :doh
No it doesn't it dictates relevant markings etc, there are some rather expensive E marked high out put bulbs available from the likes of PIAA.

Oh the subtle nuances of terminology :augie

I'll have a look in the books next time and give the statutory guidance and a couple of stated cases :D its the interpretation of legislation thats important.

Suffice to say a prosecution in breach of whats being talked about here comes under con and use offences as far as the judicial system goes :rolleyes:
here we go, havent got time to go through it now but the statutory instruments are here:


Its real send you to sleep stuff unless you need it. Once you dig into the statutory guidance and related legeslation ie the sub and assoc parts you'll find all sorts of info relating to the e mark and what that means for colour brightness etc of the lights.

I only recall this not because I'm an anorak (well maybe :augie ) but I've had to look through it and ,it may have been repealed, there definitely was a thing in there saying that dipped beam should be a minimum of 30 watts on a post 1986 road going vehicle (kills off the argument when someone's on the motorway on side lights only, I believe theyre below 30watts) .........................amazing the crap you remember :D
Anyway back on topic................

I'm pretty certain that this guidance is still valid for HIDs


Interesting stuff :)

Well I'm with DoDG on this one.

This topic has been done to death over on my Zed forum and deemed extremely bad practice. The two biggest issues that make such conversions dangerous are reflectors and suspension.

The reflectors for HIDs are very different in profile to standard lights so when you stick Xenons in them the light pattern can be all over the place, to the detriment of oncoming drivers.

And more seriously, I think you'll find that vehicles with Xenons fitted have suspension sensors feeding motors which self-level the light, so that you don't throw up a dangerously blinding flash of light to oncoming vehicles just because you drive over a hump for example. Thats certainly the case with the beemer.

So its highly likely that if you were involved in a night-time accident and caught by an investigator with these you'd get nicked.

Personally I find these lights incredibly annoying; as Terra says you can use Nightbreakers or similar to good effect at much less cost and hassle. For offroad use its clearly a different story of course but that means seperate lights seperately switched.

Rant over :thumbs
Have to agree the blinding flash over a bump is a pain in the butt. I didnt realise they were linked to the suspension nor for that reason :thumb2.......though it does make sense.

I read a response on one forum where some nerd posted "if my lights are blinding you get your eyes tested" ..............hmmmm
Have to agree the blinding flash over a bump is a pain in the butt. I didnt realise they were linked to the suspension nor for that reason :thumb2.......though it does make sense.

I read a response on one forum where some nerd posted "if my lights are blinding you get your eyes tested" ..............hmmmm

Funnily enough, even the people on the Zed forum who have done the conversion properly (£600 a side for complete replacement headlights which is the correct and only way to do it) complain because they dazzle themselves with the reflection from road signs........and when you're driving with even slightly tired eyes thats a serious PITA, especially on an otherwise darkened road.....

You worked out what DoDG was then? :lol:lol:lol
here we go, havent got time to go through it now but the statutory instruments are here:


Its real send you to sleep stuff unless you need it. Once you dig into the statutory guidance and related legeslation ie the sub and assoc parts you'll find all sorts of info relating to the e mark and what that means for colour brightness etc of the lights.

I only recall this not because I'm an anorak (well maybe :augie ) but I've had to look through it and ,it may have been repealed, there definitely was a thing in there saying that dipped beam should be a minimum of 30 watts on a post 1986 road going vehicle (kills off the argument when someone's on the motorway on side lights only, I believe theyre below 30watts) .........................amazing the crap you remember :D

blimey dave, i think i'll fit them and take a chance mate, and let some other bugger read this lot, :doh, as it happens my t2 was advertised as having xenon lights, when i looked they are blue bulbs :lol, i'll tell them they were already fitted and i dont know anything about them. :augie:naughty

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