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Nice truck:clap

I don't normally like Black wheels, but boy oh boy, I like that contrast of the blue and Black.
Great colour blue.

Looks very well indeed...

I rarely comment on other trucks, mine would get jealous but
I can look as long as I don't touch lol...
Err Hmm, look at posts 3 and 6 Zipps, Rick

Zippy is more interested in posting to keep his post number up, he has had a recent shock, you can't expect him to read earlier posts lol...

All meant in the best possible taste lol...
Here's the others from the album

I'm sure he'll get the hang of photobucket soon :thumb2



I think he's going to make it worse sticking my sidesteps on :doh

If I'd have seen his truck before he won them I'd have refused the sale :lol

We'll see............